The Forest.

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Lucile knew the path and she knew how to reach the main road. The band of hunters would follow it for a short while before swerving off to the east, taking a small path towards the brook and proceeding north from there. Lucile knew she could catch them just before they turned, and proceeded in a slow gallop towards her goal.

The guilty emotions of hurting we mother slowly faded as the brilliance of the setting sun painted the world Crimson. It was as if the land was bleeding, the trees and the moss seeming to glow with faint reddish light. She slowed the horse down and proceeded to trot along the path while humming to an old tune. Yet, there was an odd feeling haunting her. It was ominous and wrong somehow, as if she was closing in on something she was forbidden to see. But the world around her was peaceful and inviting, buzzing with the life of summer and youth. She shook her head and attempted to quell the feeling. She didn't succeed and proceeded to simply ignore it.

When she reached the end of the path, without the main road anywhere in sight, she knew something was terribly wrong. She tugged on the reins ad her horse came to a stop, snorting in good humour and began sniffing the ground for something edible. Lucile pulled up her skirts and hopped from the saddle, the first seeds of panic already planted in her heart. The path ended suddenly and naturally, simply thinning Ito the underbrush. But it couldn't be; this path had always led straight to the main road, without any turns or confusing byways. But as she gazed ahead there was only forest. Thick lines of oak and pine stretched out in random patterns endlessly towards the beyond.

Lucile had never been lost in her life, and her father had shown her these woods. She should know exactly where she was, recognise every stone no branch on the ground. But she hadn't the faintest idea. She turned her heels, gazing back the way she came as her panic was beginning to grow full and violent in her chest. To her horror, the path she had been following wasn't a path at all, but a small trail that faded into nothing just a few paces ahead. The hill she had descended just a few minutes ago looked entirely different from how it should. It was rocky and steep, dead trees protruding from its side like grasping fingers.

She must have wandered off the path without noticing and ended up in a part of the woods she'd never seen before. But how was it possible? She couldn't even remember taking any turns. Her mind whirled; reaching for any point it could cling to. There was none. No explanation to be had. She shoved her hands into the thick mane of blonde hair on top of her head, her face contorting into a forlorn mask of anxious bewilderment.
'What was she to do next?' Well her choices were obvious really. She could either keep on forward and find the edge of the forest, or turn back from whence she came and attempt to find the path she must have wandered off. She breathed heavily and stroked the mare, reminding herself that she was not alone. It helped, if only slightly. It was a horse after all, and if anyone was going to do any thinking it was going to be her. She got back up on it, took a deep breath and turned her around. She obeyed instantly and casually started trotting towards the steep hill. But as she came closer, another devastating realisation struck her hard in the gut. The fabrics of reality seemed to sway and unfurl around her as she realised something beyond her logical ability to comprehend. The hill was far too steep for her horse to manage, and would have absolutely refused even attempting to descend it. It was not a flat wall of gravel and stone, but it was not far from it. But she had ridden down that hill, without a doubt. The memory was fresh in her mind and fifteen minutes old at most. What was going on....?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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