Water 2

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Phoebe pov
We arrived at the Piraeus station and went looking for the sewer. After looking what seemed like hours we finally found the sewer. It smelled like poop. It was disgusting. We stepped trough halls and we finally reached a door. It had a symbol on it, it was the same symbol as Mare her necklace but then in red. Red... "This is it." I told Andrew and Juliet and they nodded. I laid my hand on the doorknob, when Andrew said stop. He kissed Juliet. I smiled and opened the door slowly. The room was big and old. There was a cage with a woman in it. A woman... Mare! I run over, but she was shocking her head. Like she was warning me? I heard cries of pain, when I turn around I see my friends in a weird position. Like they were possessed, they weren't making the movements... Dun. I realized. I took a bottle with water and looked around. "What a pleasure to meet you, young Avatar." A voice said, it sounded old and broken. "Where are you?" I asked. "Everywhere." The voice said and suddenly Andrew and Juliet disappeared and I jelled for them. "Haha, oh what fun it is to win!" The voice laughed. "Who said you won!" I said and I attacked. I saw him and made a movement, but I stopped. I was in pain, it felt like somebody was controlling me... I looked at him in fear. "You know, my master is gonna be pleased to hear that I have the Avatar." He told me. I tried to move, but I couldn't. "The more you resist, the more pain." He told me laughing. "I'll make a deal, let my friends go and I'll stay." I told him, I tried to sound brave but I failed. "Why would I do that if I can have both?" He asked me. "I'm the only one you want." I told him. "Not exactly, me and Mare need to arrange some things. Don't we, dear?" He asked her sweet and she gave him a dirty glare. "And my other friends?" I asked him. "Well, those I just keep for the fun!" He said laughing. I tried to move again, but he pushed me against a wall and I lost consciousness.

I woke up laying on the ground , I felt dizzy. My eye sight was fizzy. I looked around and saw James and Charlotte, Korra, Dylan trying to fight Dun. But Dun was winning, he beaned there blood and they cried of pain. I was getting angry, he was hurting my friends and I was getting irritated. I stood up and stretched my hand out and my friends fell on the ground. Dun looked shocked and I to. I was blood bending him! It fell so wrong, so I stopped. "You have all the power in the world and though you don't use it." He told me, he was laying on the ground. I run over to my friends, I helped them standing up. I told them to look for Andrew, Juliet and Mare. They found them. We were ready to leave. "You're weak!" Dun told me and he attacked, but I stopped him by blood bending. I held him in the sky and pushed him against a wall. Me and my friends run outside, we kept running until we saw the ship. We climbed on deck and I just lay down on the wooden floor. My breath was uneven, I was feeling so bad. I promised myself never to blood bend again, it was awful! I felt powerful, but at the same time so guilty. "You okay?" Andrew asked, I just nodded. He gave me his hand, but I shook him off. I saw Ben running over. "Are you guys alright. You were gone for 3 days!" He told us. 3 days?! "So long?!" Juliet asked and the rest nodded. Ben asked us what happened, they started to explain everything to him. "You're not alright. I know how scary and bad it feels. I know it makes you feel powerful." Mare said. I was happy, having her. She knew how it felt. I hugged her. "Are you alright?" I asked her. "Beside the fact that I was kidnapped. Everything is alright yeah." She said and I laughed. I laid back on the floor. "You're gonna stay here forever, huh?" She asked and I nodded. "Well, I need to go." She told me. "No, you can stay here." I told her. "I need to see my man and daughter. There probably worried sick." She told me. "You have a kid?" I asked her and she nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow. It's our last day of teaching!" She told me enthusiastic. "Take your daughter with you." I told her and she smiled. "You don't know how big fan she is if you." She told me and I laughed. "See you tomorrow!" She said. "Bye!" I said as she jumped into the ocean. Next to me I saw my dad and mom coming out of my bottle with water. An iris message. "Phoebe sweetheart!" Mom said. The rest came standing by me and said hey, I only waved. "What happened?" Dad asked worried. I looked at the rest and they did the story. The whole time mom and dad looked at me, probably noticing that I'm not alright. "Princess, it's not your fault. You had to do it to help your friends." Dad said, I really miss him. I only nodded. "Say something, Phoebe." Mom said. "My teacher is great." I told her and she shook her head, dad and the rest laughed. "I'm gonna take a shower." I told them, they jelled my name but I didn't listen. Under the shower I can relax. So, I just closed my eyes and saw everything I did. I know this just the beginning, so I need to grow a tick skin. I pulled on a short jeans and a camp-Halfblood t-shirt. I just lay down on my bed. "Hey, there!" I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw Apollo, I didn't reply. "You know, blaming yourself for everything is not gonna help." He told me. "You don't know how it is." I told him. "You're right. But suck it up, it's gonna get worse." He told me. "Thanks for the words." I said sarcastic. He laughed. "You know what I mean. And if blood bending makes you feel bad, don't do it." He told me. "But I already did it." I complained. "Well, learn from that. People learn from their mistakes, the next time they'll know what to do. You're smart, Phoebe." he told me. It was weird, I was feeling better. I sat up straight and looked him in the eyes. "Thank you. You made me feel better." I told him and he smiled. "Well, it's fine to hear that." He said, I laughed. "I need to go, but I wish you luck. You're gonna need it." And with that he was gone. I heard a bell, it was time for dinner. I opened my door and saw Charlotte coming out of her room. When she noticed me, she ran over and hugged me. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yeah, the shower really helped." And Apollo I wanted to say but I didn't. She laughed and together we went to the mess hall. We saw James and Korra kissing, again. They took the whole hall. I looked at Charlotte, who was laughing. I coughed and asked. "Could we pass, please?" They both looked at us, madly blushing and stuttered a yes. Me and Charlotte entered laughing the mess hall. "Why are you guys laughing?" Dylan asked. "There was something in the hall." I told him giggling. "I don't know what it is, but I'm happy that you're laughing." Dylan said, giving me a hug. We talked about home and ate our food. After that I went to bed and had nightmares about Dun.
/the next morning/
I woke up in sweat and I took a shower. I pulled on

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