Nightclub Lust.

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I was locked in that medical room for four more days before they let me dress and go back to my hotel room.

I took two days off before I went back to work. Right now I was in a night club looking for someone my temporary boss wanted me to find and bring to him.

The nightclub was dark and was owned by Rune. I was trying to stay under runes detection. Mostly because of his brother Jason.

I was stuck between these strange feelings if wanting to kill him and wanting to fuck him....

I ordered a drink and decided I would wait for only a bit longer before I would go look at a different nightclub.

The drink went down smoothly despite not being a drinker. That should have been the first clue that something was very wrong with that drink.

There was only one drug used in alcohol that would kill the bite and burn of alcohol. Lust.

I felt the tingling begun as the drug began to take effect of my body. Fuck fuck fuck. I tried to rush through the crowd to get to the washroom but I bumped into rune who drug me to his office and demanded to know what I was doing in his club.

"Working. Rune I need to use your washroom immediately I was drugged with----"

Lust shot right through me and my mouth went dry immediately.

" what we're you drugged with?"

"Lust." Jason's voice said as he stepped in the door.

I looked at him shocked. Did he do this?

"How do you know this brother? "

" I caught one henchman going after Ghost as he ran to the bathroom to try to vomit up the drug, but he ran into you."

Jason was wearing a tight button up shirt. You could see his well-maintained core with his eight pack.
My eyes mapped every part of my once mentors body. Rune cleared his throat and only then did I realize that I was moaning.

I looked down at the ground trying not to think about that just happened. Suddenly hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me away from runes office.

Jason took me to a room and I could see the king sized bed in another room through the door of the office. My body ached for him to touch me.

I snaked my hand up his shirt only to be shoved away from him hard.

"Ghost you need to sleep this off there's a bed in there and I'll be here in my office if you need me."

"But I do need you, Jason, " I said my voice harsh with Lust.

"Go to sleep. It's the drug taking effect of you that's all."

"I want to taste you, Jason. All of you."

Jason grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him into the bedroom. He flung me on the bed and then left slamming the door behind him.

The room was so quiet so it must be sound proof.

I screamed Jason's name but he clearly ignored me. I managed to sit up on the bed and I pulled my jacket off. The next thing to go was my shirt and it was so hard to take off

I tried to unbutton my pants but my hands wouldn't stop shaking like a leaf.


I waited and he never came.

"Jason please I'm hurt help me...."

The door flew open and he all but rushed to the bed to look me over and make sure I was okay.

"Please. Jason take them off there hurting me..." I cried out at him.

He took his time understanding what I meant and once he got it he pulled my pants off and left my super tight boxers on.

He went to turn and leave the room but I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up and at him. He easily caught me and held me up.

"Wow your just as light as you were as a child Ghost. Are you eating properly." Jason said looking me on the eyes.

I thought about that for a second. It's been at least three days since I eat food. I had water every day but food no.

He must have read my mind because he lifted me up and dropped me on the bed and rushed out of the room closing the door behind him.

I laid on the bed rolling in these sheets that held his scent so strongly. I hoped he would hurry back really soon.

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