Epilogue. (Ghost's POV)

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Turns out I didn't die like I had conceived, but nevertheless, I did pass out from blood loss. Being that was nearly a year ago Jason and me lived fine now and are experiencing the retired life, Marriage didn't seem to correspond with the way we lived so we forgot about that tragedy, That didn't stop Jason from buying us rings to show we were a piece. Travelling is what we did for the initial short while after we both fled the hospital. Mason made many new little friends at the dwelling we got in the south. Many of the housewives in the neighbourhood gossiped over Jason and I being a gay couple with a child. We held parties and BBQ's and thoughtless about getting shot. Both Jason and I had vivid nightmares for weeks after the whole ordeal. Some nights it would get so bad that neither Jason or I could return to sleep.

Mason grabbed my hand.


"Yes, Peanut?"

He pointed at Jason who was standing in the doorway.

"You ready to go home to City life?"

"Of course, I have so many things to bring back for Row."

"I know, I recollect I helped pick them silly,"

Our last BBQ was today. Then We would leave for city life for a bit. I knew we would be back soon. Our guests arrived and brought many snacks and gifts with them. Mason took my hand walking me all around our yard. Having just turned three he had new toys he always showed me. Most his toys I bought so I knew all about the sounds and features of them but I didn't tell him that because I enjoyed watching him show me his playthings. For his third birthday Row and Rune bought him a swing set for our yard and I was so excited for Row to show it to him.

"Any idea when you will be back Ghost?" Our neighbour Maggie asked.

"Hopefully before its colder up north, I enjoy the heat I must confess."

"Oh for sure."

"Jason and I offered to move you up with us so you wouldn't get lonely Mag."

"Oh gosh no, I couldn't leave."

"You probably have army things to do at home."

"Hopefully not, I'm enjoying this vacation."

All of our neighbours called me Ghost, Jason had spun a good lie about how we were once in the army and that's how I got the nickname Ghost and it stuck. I think the reason it stuck was that despite having Mason we still also had enough guns for a small army and our neighbours knew it. Jason enjoyed showing off our weapons at the gun range, or when he went hunting for none human targets.

Looking at Jason I smiled. Mason, him and I made quite the perfect patchwork family.

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