Fuck Me, Hard.

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I laid on the bed. I was still rolling around in the sheets when Jason came back. He seemed shocked when he saw me sniffing his sheets. I also had my body tangled up in all of the pillows on the bed.

"Ghost I brought you some food. Do you need help sitting up?"

"Fuck me."

I somehow wasn't even ashamed I asked him that. He seemed to be a little caught off guard.

"Ghost I brought food please eat it."

"I don't want food."

"Ghost you need the food more then the drug is making you think you need me."

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW" I screamed. I pulled one of the pillows over my face and I felt tears prickle the corners of my eyes.

When had I started to feel?

I fell asleep on the bed and when I woke up I could walk somewhat and it was early morning. Jason was asleep on the couch and he looked so very uncomfortable.

I walked over and shook him. His eyes opened right away. He looked at me and yawned.

"Did you need some---"

"Go Jason. Sleep in your own bed I'll take the couch. I will fit on it more comfortably then you will."

He seemed to debate what I was saying before he yawned and walked to his bedroom. He left the door open.

I fell back asleep only to be woken up moments later. I was being carried into the bedroom by Jason.

"Why am I being carried back to----"

"Your teeth were chattering and you were shivering when I went to check on you. So I'm taking you to bed with me so you won't shiver."

"Okay... night night"

I laid my head against his chest and fell asleep. Upon waking up the first thing I felt besides Jason hard on that was jammed against my hip was the heat that seemed to fan across every little spot that Jason's skin was touching me.

My own hard on was rock hard and aching. Jason moved and his knee brushed my hard on and I yelped. His eyes shot open and instead of him pushing me away like I thought he was going to, he pulled me closer and I felt his hand slip into my boxers.

My breathing was so uneven and it felt like I had just got finished running a mile.

When his hand wrapped around my aching member I tried to pull away from him but with the very first stroke, he gave me I was like putty in his hands. I wanted to blame the drugs but I knew it went hand and hand with Lust I already had for him.

My breathing got completely out of control and I was panting as he touched me. There is a monster inside us all and my monster gets unleashed when I'm around Jason, he pushed me out of control.

My inner beast craved his touch and for someone who was usually emotionless, that is a terrifying thing. I was so caught up in my head I never realized how close I was to cumming until I came. My whole body acted on its own arching off the bed as a moan tore through my parted lips.

Fuck. Me.

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