So we're really doing this shit,alright then lets get on with it.

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So I fucking got nominated by BUGGY231 to do this fuck shit"thanks by the way"so let's go ahead and kill what soul is left inside of me.
The rules
1.You have to wright all the rules.
2.You must answer all 13 questions.WTF is it always 13?
3.You have 7 days to complete this.Tag 13 peeps once done.P.s. You can tag the person who tagged you.
4.You have to give a creative fucking title.
5.You have to say who tagged you.
Question time.
1.If you could go out with one anime guy who would it be and why?
I would personally go out with Kazuharu Fukuyama from girls bravo because he's a fucking pervert and he goes to extensive amounts to just see a girls breast.
2.Who was the first anime guy you had a crush on?
Soul Evans from Soul eater because I feel like we have a lot in common and I still like him.
3.What is your favorite animal?
Do Neko-girls count?
4.Have you watched everything wrong with Attack on Titan?
I don't fucking know what that is, should I watch it?
5.Do you find videos that make fun of an anime better than the actual anime?
I guess if you count Joey making of SAO or Tokyo Ghoul then I guess yes.
6.What was your first RPG you've ever played?(If you've even played any).
Mad father,fucking great game.10/10 would play again.
7.Does Armin remind you of Kurapika or is that just me?
Sorry but Armin just reminds me of a cute little bab.
8.What dere are you?
I am a mix between a mayadere and a deredere.Fucking confusing but it works.
9.Have you ever been skating?
I've been roller skating and I've home aloned a few times.
10.Have you ever had a crush on someone who's blonde?
The actual fuck,hair color doesn't matter but yes I have.real and non-real.
11.Do you know anyone who doesn't know what a boner is?
Again the fuck,who the hell doesn't know what a boner is?No I don't know anyone who doesn't know what a boner is.
12.Have you ever made one of your friends fall in love with anime?
I believe I haven't but I don't know.
13.Are you obsessed with specific kinds of characters in anime?
I love cold,mean,sarcastic characters and perverts.
My turn
1.Whats the first manga you've ever read?
2.What was the last anime that made you cry?
3.If you had to pick to be stuck in either Tokyo Ghoul or Akame ga kill which would you choose?
4.who's better,Kenny from we're the millers or Gally from the maze runner?
5.would you rather be in a Shonen anime or a Shojo anime?"side note,Shojo is directed towards girls while Shonen is directed towards boys".
6.would you rather want to be a boy stuck in a girls body or a girl stuck in a boys body?
7.Would you rather be able to speak fluent in all languages or be able to play any instrument you touch?
8.Have you ever had a crush on a girl anime character?If so who?
9.Lucy from Fairy tale or Misa from Death Note?
10.Only be able to watch SAO for the rest of your life or only be able read Tokyo Ghoul?
Sebastian from Black Butler,Ed from Full metal alchemist,or Sasuke from Naruto?
12.Which House do you belong to?"I'm a slytherin".
13.There are three objectives.
Fame,Fortune,or Love.Which do you chose?"I fucking chose Fortune".
I will now dub thee nominations.
Let the games begin.

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