How to stop your sister from trying to kiss you.

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First things first an actual creative title,I know SHOCKING but let's get back to another lovely Fucking tag.I was tagged by EmeraldLittleCat .
Rules-tag 13 peeps,right rules down,7 says to do this,creative title,answer all questions,and say who tagged you.
1.Favorite song?
I guess my favorite song is Girls/Girls/Boys by panic at the disco.
2.Chocolate chip,but I'll occasionally eat a sugar cookie.
3.If you could be one anime character,who would you be and why?
Tatsumi from Akame ga kill because even though he loses most of his friends he still strives to do what's for a better cause.
4.So far how many animes have you watched?
I really don't know,I keep trying to count them but it gets confusing.
5.Are you the person who wakes up early or a person who still sleeps?
I sleep in waaaaaaay to late,it's usually because o don't go to sleep till late.
6.What would you do if there was a Titan IRL?
Well I would probably be like "ah yes it's finally happening"but then realize no one from AOT coming to kill it.
7.Whats your personality?
I'm a mix of a happy,energetic little kid with a foul mouthed 18 year old who hates everything.
8.If it was Halloween,what would you dress/cosplay as?
Black Star from Soul eater because my ego.
9.How many tags have you done?
This will be my 5th one.
10.Would you rather be stuck in the anime world forever or the animes come to real life and stay there forever?
I would want to be stuck in the anime world because fuck reality.
11.Do you like being an Otaku?
Yes I like being an Otaku,who wouldn't?
12.Pusheen cat or Nyan cat?
Nyan cat please.
13.What was the biggest mistake you've ever made?
The biggest mistake I ever made was when my family went to this place with a pool and a guy was flirting with me and then he asked me to come with him somewhere and I didn't really feel like this was a good idea but then he stopped and asked me if I ever had been kissed and then he fucking kissed me and it makes me mad anytime I think about it.
"Sighs"My questions now.
1.Favorite flavor of ice cream?
2.Draco or Harry?
3.disney or Pixar?
4.Whats you favorite monster from Monster Musume?
5.Would you rather live in the city or country?
6.Would you rather make a joke about Marco in front of Jean or tell Hinata that he'll never be good at volleyball?
7.Do you have any anime merchandise (Figurines/posters/outfits ect)?
8.Any good animes you could recommend?
9.Favorite character to genderbend?
10.Favorite band?
11.Marvel or DC
12.If you were trapped on Sayran"a planet with only girls"what would yours thoughts be?
13.Light yagami has taken over the world,L is dead and no one can defeat Kira except you.You have an option Kill Kira and end it all or Arrest him yourself in the name of law and justice.
Nominations now.
"Sighs once more"

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