Season two of Help!I guled my penis to my hand!

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Back at it again with the tags!Anyways tagged by everyone's favorite Child _sMiLe let's get to it then.
Rules-7 days,Answer all questions,Creative title,Tag 13 chicklets,Put tagger in somewhere.
1.Black,White,and Grey or color?
Well I guess I like color for real life but I like black and white photos.
2.Favorite Quote?
You promised not to Kill each other!-Fuu Kasumi-Samurai Champloo.
3.Best thing to ever happen to you?
Creating a bond between a certain someone that I would literally die for that person.
4.What would you say if  we met in person?
Oh shit waddup,wanna go to Taco Bell?
5.Zodiac sign?
6.Best pick up line?
I'm a virgin,I have 4 cats and I'm suicidal,wanna fuck?
7.Whats your Dere type?
I'm a Mayadere and a deredere,I know it's nightmare fuel but that's me.
8.Worst food you've ever had?
Yams,I hate sweet cooked thing like baked beans and such.
9.What are you afraid of?
Loss of gravity,heights,and mice/rats.
10.Are you an Otaku or a weaboo?
I am an Otaku but people call me a weaboo to get I my nerves.
11.First follower on Wattpad?
12.The series that turned you into a fangirl/fanboy?
Attack on Titan,because after that shit I just wouldn't shut up about it.
13.Favorite ship of all time?
SadaoxChiho-The Devil is a part timer.
More questions
1.if you've ever been to church,has it ever mentally scared you?"it did me"
2.Favorite Pokemon?
3.Open the door,get on the floor........?
4. How many hours do you spend on Wattpad a day?
5.Sailor moon or Madoka magica?
6.Akidearest or The Anime man?
7.Rant about the last thing you ate.
8.What is the biggest book you have? you play an instrument,if so what instrument?
10.Be stuck in Higurashi for 1 year or Future diary forever?
11. Who is cuter,Christa(Attack on Titan)or Akame(Akame ga kill)?
12.go to a random story and type in the comments(#10/10wouldbang).
13.Does anyone want to take me to Anime Expo this year?
Nominations go to
_mashi_mashi_rinny Let's get along
The-Flight to Miami.
_trash_king Love the Name!!
BUGGY231 Bugs scare me sometimes
Aesthetichxwell Aesthetically pleasing
cocaocrazy I'm crazy too^.^
Corea_Liebmann Darnet-hehe
DemonsNightmare I KNOW YOU!!!
EmeraldLittleCat Sorry i had too.
erichaXD I like the name Ericha:)
cheyenne_the_lion_XD Answer me!
PufarineKiller Pufarine,interesting....
TWO CHAINS!!!!!!!!

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