Help!Ive not fallen and im upright!!!

101 5 78

Tags,tags,tags,tags,tags,t t tags,tags,tags,tags,tags EVERYBODY!!!
Thank lil John for that amazing chores.
So as you can guess tagged again by Prez COIN!!!MY GURL _sMiLe
Yeeeeee,Let's get to it.
1.Jerza(JellalxErza) or Nalu(NatsuxLucy) from Fairytale?
I don't like Lucy but I relate to Natsu so...........Nalu.
2.Person you despise the most?
There's this girl who spread this rumor about me in the sixth grade and it was pretty bad so I called her mom a whore and now we're arch enemies."My mom laughs all the time when I tell this story".
3.Thoughts on showers?
Anythings good that can keep me clean.
4.Rant in what you're wearing.
"So um I'm in my underwear so I guess lets do this."For fucks sake why am I so comfortable,I'm in my god damn underwear and all I want to do is relax.FOR FUCKS SAKE I CANT GET OVER HOW COMFY I AM IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!
5.What time is it over where you live?
It is now approximately 4:24 p.m.
6.Stupidest question anyone has ever asked you?
Is Alabama its own country?"no joke this was asked last year".
7.How many times have you been tagged?
16 times but I'm not finished with them.
8.Gale or peeta?(Hunger games).
I guess Peeta but really I don't like either.
9."don't have that keyboard"(Lenny face or face of disapproval?
Face of disapproval!
10.Write a random sentence with your eyes closed.
Josspdbevtjrkjrn I'd jenu the kernel fire t Chloe!"translation"Hello everyone,it is I the magnificent Chloe!
11.Samsung or Apple?
Apple iPhones for the win!
12.Would you rather go to the anime world or Wizarding world of Harry Potter?
I don't rage about being a slythrin for nothing.
13.Whats you favorite fan fiction on wattpad?
So I do read this one insert reader x yandere and it's pretty good the author is NicYandere .
1.How many photos of yourself do you have?
2.Favorite Nickelodeon show?
3.Least favorite Disney channel show?
4.What is your favorite Disney movie?
5.Have you ever had a break down in your nearest book store because you couldn't chooses which manga you wanted to get"happened to me two days ago".
6.Have you ever been in a fight with a person from school?(Physical or just arguments).
7.Favorite past time besides anime?
8.Muffins or cupcakes?
9.[EB]-Do you like Con-Air?"Homestuck reference".
10.Are you afraid of aliens?
11.First thing that comes to mind when I say"Filth"?
12.Do looks matter to you?
13.If you had a choice to go out with Eren or Jean from AOT,who would you choose?
Nom nom nom nominations!!!!!!
_sMiLe Avirl took the words right out of my mouth.
_mashi_mashi_rinny What up shark 3d.
_cocaocrazy_ cocolazy#endmysuffering
_L_Lawliet_1979 u'know they call me the light yagami of my group.
_trash_king memes+trash=me
Amaidesu12 "Joffrey voice"desu wifu
DemonsNightmare YOU NEED TO STOP!
i_like_cleaning Levi would applaud you
NicYandere Sensie please take me
imabroccoli288 I am a carrot.
An1me4l1fe Anime5Ever
Anime_trash88 I see you're talking about Laito.
The cancer of wattpad is my new name,so I guess my full name is President Kanato snow cancer of wattpad!

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