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The door stood there, tall and proud, graffiti layering the door's emerald green color. I pushed it open and was greeted with a bombarding bear hug. It was Monty— the man I had protected for over five years.

"Mixian Moxelle, yo, is it good to see you again!"  He spoke with a heavy New York accent, but his words were clear and crisp all the way through. I wrapped my hands as far around Monty as I could.

Monty was the definition of hefty. Not being rude or bitchy, but he's a big dude, and he knows it. 378 pounds of moisturized black skin with a huge smile on his face and a blunt in his mouth. Tattoos paraded his arms and neck, and gold chains hung from in between his neck rolls. It was almost funny to look at. Monty would never change his look for anybody, though, and I loved that about him.

"Hey Monty." I greeted, smiling halfheartedly. He puffed a cloud of smoke.

"Chica, don't give me that 'Hey Monty' bullshit. Come on! Hit me widda 'wassup' or somethin' girl, sheesh." I chuckled, shrugging and shaking my head, leaning in for another hug. Monty was like an older brother to me. Even though I protected him in the past, it was him who gave me advice when I was at my worst. We helped each other out back then.

"I see the store's doing good." I mentioned, examining the office and his endless Lebron James bobbleheads. He even had god-knows how many pairs of sneakers signed by the man hanging in clear polished boxes around the office.

"Doin' good?" He repeated, puffing again. "Business is boomin' down here baby! Never seen so many skaters and ballers in my life." Monty crossed his arms and snickered to himself.

"Everybody was about rap and shooting in Ohi." Monty nodded in agreement.

"You still mix?" Monty asked me. I gave him the same face I gave Amy when she asked a stupid ass question too. He puffed again and we broke out laughing together.

"I've tried to stop," I started, sitting in Monty's hand chair.

Yes, a hand chair.

"You know, for Luca and Zoey." I continued. Monty nodded. "But then I get in certain situations and--" I stared at my hands as if they were looking back at me. I clenched my fists and put my hands in my pocket, staring at the graffiti on the rug of the office instead.

"Red Bull still tryna climb her way outta you, huh?" Monty puffed again, offering the blunt over to me. "Puff." I glanced over to him, thinking it over for a moment, before shaking my head to the offer.

"Having friends is a good start to holding Bull down." He explained.

"I don't trust people."

"Who said you had to?" I raised an eyebrow. "Kid, you just got here. I'm not saying write a mad long book and sell it to every new kid on the block," Monty chuckled. "But don't be such a hardass 'bout it." I sighed, taking in his words.

"I've already made an enemy on my first day of school." I explained. Monty shook his head. His neck always jiggled when he did that and it would make me giggle.



Before I could say it, a fight broke out in the lounge. Two kids were beating the shit out of each other. Monty ran in front of me, getting to the fight before I did.

"Damn it's the co-owner's fucking kid again." Monty growled.

I came from behind him. "Co-owner?"

"He gave me an investment for this building. Now his kids are allowed in here whenever they want and his son always fucking starts something."

"Want me to straighten it ou--"

Again, before I could crack my knuckles, Amy jumped into the circle, turning the kid around. He was wearing the school's jacket and his hair looked familiar. Then, right before he turned back to fight the kid some more, he glanced over to Monty and I saw the bandages that layered his nose. The same annoying blue eyes and busted lip. My jaw dropped.

"That's the co-owner's kid?" I asked. Monty nodded. He sensed my unease and asked me why I asked.

"Remember the enemy I said I made?" Monty nodded, before realizing what I meant and slapping his forehead. "Fuck, Mixie." He sighed.

It was Jack.

Mixie Moxie (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now