2. Chapter 3

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*Venus' P.O.V*

Everyone starts to form a line and put their jewellery into a bag. They started to walk away when Barry walked out in front of me.

"Don't." I tell him stopping him from moving forward.

"Freeze!" A security guard yelled pointing a gun at the group not bowing who to point at. "D-drop your weapons!"

They fire at him at the same time then suddenly the security guard disappeared. I turned to see that Barry wasn't there either.

"Barry." I muttered as I got out of the room unnoticed and looked around for Barry.

*Barry's P.O.V*

"Barry. Barry." I heard someone call. "Barry!"

I jump up to be met with Venus.

"I told you to not go after them! What happened, are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. I'm sorry, I went after them-" I was cut off.

"When I said 'don't'. Why were you on the ground?"

"I fainted."

"I have to get you to Caitlin. After you explain to Joe why you were out here."

We walked back inside where the police were everywhere. We walked up to Joe, Eddie and Iris.

"Where were you?" Joe asked.

"Joe go easy, I found him outside he fainted." Venus said.

"Do you want me to get you a paramedic Allen?" Eddie asked.

"I'm fine, thanks Eddie." I said before we heard the security guard explain what happened to an officer.

"Let me talk to you two for a second." Joe said gesturing to Venus and I.

"You chased those gunmen didn't you?" He asked while we we walking.

"Barry did. Not me." Venus said.

"It must be the same guys who robbed the gun shop earlier today." I said to Joe.

"And what were you going to do when you caught them?" He asked.

"Ask them nicely to pull over?" Venus asked looking around the room.

"You're supposed to be on my side." I said to her as she stood in front of me.

"Hey, I'm on my side." She said holding her hands up as if in surrender.

"Wow, some friend."

"Barry I just want you safe, going after a bunch of criminals without a plan is not."

"You're not bulletproof." Joe joined back into the conversation. "Wait, are you?" He looks to Venus, "Are you?"

"No." Venus and I say standing side by side.

"Okay. Look Bare chasing bad guys is not your job it's mine. You're not a cop. Promise me, the both of you."

"Promise." We answer.

"And you know Iris is not stupid. start making better excuses than I fainted."

He walked away and I turned to Venus.

"You believe me right? That I fainted?" I asked her.

"Yes Barry." She answered.

"You lied to us." Caitlin said as I sat on the hospital bed in S.T.A.R. Labs. "How could you not tell us that you were experiencing dizzy spells? We're your doctors. God knows what's going on inside your body your cells are in a constant state of flux, you could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transiodaszimic attack."

I look to Dr Wells for an explanation.

"Mini stroke. Probably not." He said.

"You of all people know that in science we share, we do not keep secrets."

"Wow, I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie." Cisco said walking off.

"Ronnie was Caitlin's fiancé, the one that died the night of the accelerator explosion?" I ask Wells.

"Yeah, he is... missed. Now let's figure out why this is happening to you."

*Venus' P.O.V*

"We're all set." Cisco said walking into the room with a treadmill in the middle and a lot of boxes.

Barry walked up to the boxes confused.

"Just a little padding. You know, just in case." I tell him.

"Yeah." Hey says as Cisco and I walk out and hops up onto the treadmill. "You sure about this Cisco?"

"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of around about 12 miles per hour." Cisco started.

"This one has been... 'Cisco'ed' as he likes to put it." I say into the mic.

"Trust me, it will work. It can handle you speed." He says leaning in front of me.

"Trust you?"

"Trust her that it will work." Cisco said putting to him.

I hit him on his arm and push out of the way. Barry starts of walking, then it turns into a jog, and the he runs at his inhumanly fast speed.

"Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal." Caitlin said reading the screen.

"For Barry." Dr Wells cut in.

"Brainwave functions within standard limits."

"Told the treadmill could take it." Cisco says excitedly.

"Wait, Caitlin, Dr Wells take
A look at the glucose levels." I say to them finding what could be the cause of his problem.

"Oh my god of course." She said slumping into her chair.

"Right, glucose levels," Wells leaned closer to the mic turning it on, "Barry we think we know why you keep-"

Wells was cut off by Barry hitting the treadmill then flying into the boxes.

"Passing out." He finished.

*Third Person*

"I passed out again?" Barry asked getting help from Cisco and Venus to sit up as Caitlin walked over to them.

"Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia." She explained to him.

"I'm not eating enough? So a I.V. bag and I'm good to go." Barry said looking between the three surrounding him for an answer.

"Try 40 Barry." Venus said turning him around to face the rack of I.V. bags.

"Guess you were thirsty." Dr Wells said taking a sip from his own cup.

"We're fining to need to fashion you s diet based on your metabolic changes." Caitlin told Barry.

"Venus and I have done a few calculations." Cisco started.

"You need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos." Venus continued.

"Unless, we're talking cheese and guac." Cisco pointed to Venus who pointed right back at him.

"Which is like a whole other set of equations."

A/N: Heyy guys !! My god it's been forever ! I am so sorry it's been so long, I've been exhausted a lot lately and I have writers block for my Teen Wolf story and kinda this story. I don't know how I want it to play out, I have one idea set for later but I don't know how to build up to it.

Also, last Saturday I went to see Troye Sivan in Brisbane !! I love him so much I was so upset when he didn't sing Youth but then at the very end he did and I loved it !! I also so happy when he did a cover of 'Be The One' and when he sang Lost Boy and Heaven !!

BYE !!!!

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