chapter 1

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  in the dungeon there stood two dominic angeles they were talking about how they're gonna rescue their world and keep the generation going because the demons were gonna destroys the whole world and take over it there was two couples left they had to leave their children in protection so when they grow up could finish them off (the demons) their parents of the both guardian dominic angels died and left there both babies behind to some humans who they had to live in the human world with  and those two had to unite and destroy all demons,but they wouldn't know till the 1600 year,and today was that year.  

   (playing the song a team by ed sheeran) it was cold outside,it was the beginning of winter and my first year in high school i didn't even wanted to go i thought it was gonna be hard because my years in middleschool were bull shit everyone treated me bad i didn't have much friends so i think this year would be the same…

    my cat delilah was purring below my bed as i layed down backwards and my head dangled at the edges of  my bed i saw my cat messing with my hair “oww delilah” and i grabbed her “meow” i placed her on my bed and i sat down looking at her like her life is easy.i grabbed a string from my desk and started to wiggle it in her face she kept staring at it until her paws reached and grabbed it…her claws cut the surface of my hand “oww delilah you really did it this time” i pushed her away “meow” its all she could say ugg stupid cat. i ran to the bathroom to get a bandage.

   when i got there i saw my clock ohh crap im late for school i hurried and put on the bandage and went to my closet to try on some cloths i've gotten new clothes but i didn't know which one to pick till i saw one that caught my eye it was a gray shirt that had pierce the veil letters popping out and i grabbed it and saw it for a moment and thought oh well at least it better than the other ones,then i got some blue denim jeans and tried them on. i checked my self in the mirror fixing my hair i glanced back at the clock crap its 8:05 i hurried and grabbed my black converse and put them on and then grabbed my backpack and left……

 i was already half way there to school i didn't wanna run because it would've been embarrassing i had huge boobs now and it was hard having to control them so i just walked i was so nervous in how highschool would be.someone touched my shoulder i didn't know who it was and accidently hit them “ohh shit” i turned to look at the person who touched me,it was link my best friend we haven't talked for a while now i immediately said “sorry link i didn't know it was you” he faced me trying to cover up the pain “its okay yurika it wasn't your fault i sneaked up on you…….he paused and changed the subject so how was summer” i replied like nothing happened “it was great better than being here how bout yours” he immediately said “mine was really great i started a band and me and my girlfriend are on again” if you're asking,link was the type of guy that always would only have about one or two girlfriends in a whole year that he'd date and be off and on again every single month.

  i couldn't help myself but joke with him “yeah what day is it close for off” he said “shutup” and pushed me playfully i changed the subject so “do you think high school would be hard” he replied “nah its just gonna be boring” “hey guys” something called out of no where i turned it was my friend sakura her red wavy hair wasn’t the same as she had in middle school it was now all up and it was straight with a huge headband which was cute. i started to hug her i was so happy she was here i didn't wanna stay with link by myself. she hugged me back and we both started laughing so hard we both broke off the hug and link started to say “what the fuck why are you laughing don't you supposed to be crying?” me and sakura both turned to stare at  link.i mean is he serious he doesn't know nothing about us. i replied “really link you know we never hug and we are always fighting you should've known that by now” he was so confused i could see it in his face but instead of making us explain he just said “oh”. “stupid” sakura said as we just kept walking.

 we had already gotten to school but the three of us didn't wanna go in we just stood there.i think i was the brave one cause i was the one who told them that it was gonna be ok so we all entered.

we saw lots of people in the hallways running pushing and some that had groups like popular kids and all of that shit. me and sakura had the same idea cause we both started running and left link behind when we got to the end of the hallway me and sakura stopped to catch our breaths “so…….did we huahua lost him” sakura said i looked around to check if we did i said “yup i think were clear” “ok so whats your first period then” sakura said i was confused what was she planning why is she being nice to me “what” i looked at her with a confused face giving everything away “ha i bet you're wondering why i'm being nice” i nodded my head “ok when you gave me that hug in surprisingly i thought why am i so hard on you you don't do nothing to make me mad…….well the point is i wanna be friends”  i looked at her like what the fuck and said “we are friends” “no i mean not fighting in stuff” her face turned pink.i didn't wanna be mean and i wanted to see how really being friends with her would be like so i nodded my head i quickly answered her question “well i have biology how about you” she didn't answer and we both started walking to the class i was going to she then answered my question “i have cooking class” “ohh” i said she then replied “it will be ok ill see you in lunch” she left i mumbled “bye” as i entered the class i saw lots of people staring at me was i late i wondered the teacher asked what was my name and i replied “yurika“ ”ok yurika take a seat please welcome to your first year in highschool” i scanned to see if there were any seats but there were no available seats except one that was next to a window i walked toward it and set my backpack next to it and quickly sat down.the teacher started to talk once again but i didn't pay much attention i was looking outside the window looking at the birds chirping and the squirrels jumping and the sun shining.

 someone tapped me in the shoulder and i didn't know who it was and turned was an awfully cute boy i didn't know if i was blushing,and wondered why would he wanna talk to me i'm ugly. he started to talk “hey im akihiro and i'm your class partner” ohh thats why he started to talk to me ohh well proves im right. i replied “oh im yurika and what was the teacher talking about sorry i wasn't really paying attention” “its okay he was talking about how were gonna need partners for these couple of weeks cause were gonna go over the rules of dissecting animals” he replied “ohh so do we talk about it right now” i asked “umm…yah i think so” he siad “ok lets start -he interrupted me “no we should just talk about other stuff this class is boring anyways” i didn't know what to say but agree with him “ok” “ok yeah so tell me about yourself” “well theres nothing much to say but i love to read and do other source of boring stuff i love music too,how about you”.

 he replied moving peices of my blonde hair and tucked it behind my ear .i blushed. “ha you dont seem boring…….well i love to hear music and i play guitar thats pretty much it ohh yah i'm also adopted” “ohh you are also am i wierd were much alike” looking at his beautiful golden eyes “haha yeah i guess” the teacher interrupted us and we all looked at him “so class tomorrow i want you to get with your partner and-


the bell rung and everybody started to get up and the teacher said “wait and discuss with your partner ok,class is dismissed” as everyone ran out the door except for me and akihiro he told me “hey can we sit together at lunch” “ok sure” i replied “cool see ya at lunch” and he left the room.

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