Taurtis x girl reader

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Thank cimfantara42 for the settings 


Thanks @AbbyChan_and_AmyKun for the request 
Play song when  ever  u like it
Fyi the song discribe  ur personality 

Taurtis ,grian  and  sam where in England  house  sitting  /baby sitting  for Grian parents. Grian had a younger sister named (y/n) she always got in trouble  late time she where  left alone there was a big party and the cop's came and arrested her.
So this Is why Grian had to come to take care of his little sister and their butter had his 3 week off and there parents where going on a 2 week vacation in the Bahamas.

"Mom why does grian have to babysit me im 15" (if u aren't then u are now) u said sitting on the counter in the bath room
The mom was putting  make up on
"Because princess you are a trouble maker "

"Hey what can I say I was born to live"

"Anyway I think u will be fine "

"Mom please don't let them babysit me "

"Sorry I can't there already at the airport and your father is driving them back"

"Ahhhhhh why do u have to ruin my life " you ran up stairs and slammed the door

20 minutes later

Sam and taurtis came in side amazed at grian house well mansion

"Grian didnt know u live in a mansion" Taurtis said looking around

"I did tell u" grian pointed out

"Oh yeah" sam said rubbing the back of his neck

They where in interrupted by his mom

"Hi grian great to see u"
Hugging grian
"Hey mom"

"Little muffin is this sam and taurtis the friends u where talking about "

"Hello my name is samgladiator but u can call me sam " sam put his hands out  they shook hands

"My name is taurtis " they shook hands

"Mom where is (y/n)"

"Up stairs. (y/n) come down here "

"No thx" you said

"(Y/n) come down her his instant"

"Ahhhhh fine"

You came down stairs wearing spikes around your neck and wrist and with a really black short shirt showing ur belly button and black short shorts u were chewing pink bubblegum

"Hi grian" u said in a sarcastic way

"Hi (y/n) going to the frat party I see"
U sick ur tongue out and cross ur arms  at him he mimics u

"Play nice you too,Katelyn we have to go" the dad said

"Oh right  travis  .honey your sister  is not allowed  to go out of the house and no partys "

"Ok mom"
5 min later Katelyn  and travis left
(Ok if u get the names I LOVE U comment  if u get the names)
"OK me and grian will be at the fun house"
"Wait why can i come "taurtis  said 
"Because  you lost the bet and u have to take care of my sister"
Taurtis sat on the couch with sam

U came down stairs and u look at grian  in the face and hands on ur hips (fyi u are smaller that grian he is 5,9)
"  first off all i don't  need u to look after me and second off all i want to come"
"  first off all yes we do and second  of all no"

" come on brother please if u don't  i will have no choice  but  to  show ur baby pic to ur friend over  there"

"You  wouldn't  "
U had the picture in ur hands he took it out off ur hands and held the pic in the air above his and your head

"Grian give it back" u tried to get it

2 min later u gave up

"Sam it time to go"
"Ok,later taurtis"

"Wait im coming" u said
"no your not "

5 minutes  of arguing  and they left the house without u

"So (y/n) what is up" taurtis  said 
"Nothing just got left here with u" u sat by taurtis going closer to him
"Taurtis do u want some punch  "
"Sure "
"U stay here"
You went to the kitchen and put something in his drink (u are in a witch school )
"This will get this chunk of eye candy to take me to the fun house . what  since in stuck her doesn't mean i can have fun"

U came to the living room with the drinks

"Cheers "u both said
He drinks the drink and starts getting  tipsy 
"Taurtis  are u ok"
"Immm fiiine (y/n) i just want a kiss"
"Oh no i did the love potion crap"
U got of the couch and he followed  u
"Where are u going i just want a kiss" both of his hand where out
"Get away"
"Nope come here"
He started to chase u thru the halls
U ran up stair he stilled followed u ran back the other stairs and lost him until he came behind u and grabed u by the waist and put u over his shoulder  u tried to get out of his grasp but he was too strong   he dropped  u on the couch then he got on u and kissed u .u didnt kiss back.He bit your lip and u denied but he grabbed  your butt.  He explored  every  were in ur mouth he stood up and rapped ur leg around  his waist breaking the kiss  . He rekissed u he had his hand on ur butt and his arm  around  ur back u tried  to get free but he  was true strong  he went to ur room and dropped u on the bed and told u to say and u where to freck out to move  but he saw something on your bed  a condoms box with 4 left
"What did u think i was a virgin? " u said in horror 
He stairs at u for a bit and took the box in the bath room
Oh no
He came out a minute later fully naked  he came closer to u and u kick him he grabbed  ur foot and took ur sock off then he took all of ur clothes off and jumped on u kissing ur neck and rubbing  ur boob u couldn't  help but moan he kiss ur boob and lead a trail  of  kiss  to  ur privite part you  moan really  loud . He then entered u and u yelled in pain which turned to pleaser  and he started to move up and down u moan so much .after a while he cummed and u  cummed  too

Time skip 10 min later 9:30
He stop and snuggled  with u the potion  wore off and and he then woke up scared  u turn  over faceing him

"What am i doing here"
"Well it better if I not  tell u"

U both  hear the door open and u guys quickly  put ur cloth on
" taurtis we are home" sam said
"(Y/n) ,taurtis where are u "

U came down stairs to grian
"  im here Taurtis  and i where just playing with potions "
"Ok then"
Taurtis  came a put his hand on ur shoulder and u blushed

"You guys are acting  weird anyway im going to bed " sam said 
"Ok , let me show u guys  where u are going to be sleeping  "
Grian  took sam hand a followed .
"I hope i get to sleep  with  u  "  taurtis  said smirking
"My door is open for u "

U where about to kiss but grian called

"See u later "he kiss u on the cheek and left u started blushed he

You went  up stair  to ur room
"How am i going to live with  3 boys for 2 weeks" faceplaming your self

1237 words
Sorry i haven't  posted in a while i have been reading different  book  about my street  and MCD and shippings
I will have the next lemon tomorrow  or Thursday 

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-Boylove17  outttt 

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