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Katya's Pov
As soon as Yashfa and I step out of our house, we see Grayson and Ethan our neighbors/best friends, waiting for us because we usually all go to school together. Damn Grayson looks nice. Alright fine I kinda like him, like maybe for a while now... But I doubt he'll ever feel the same about me. *LOUD HONK* "You coming with us?!" Grayson says while laughing at me. "Yeah, yeah don't get ur balls in a twist." I sit in the backseat with Yashfa while Ethan and Grayson sit in the front and we start driving to school but I zone out thinking about..ugh you know who.
My Pov
During the car ride to school I found myself staring at Ethan. He looks so amazing today and it distracts me. Ever since Katya and I moved here, I had a crush on Ethan but I know there's no chance at all that he'll like me back. He probably thinks I'm just another girl out there. I quickly jump out of my thoughts as I here Ethan quietly chuckle and smirk at me. He pulls out his phone and sends me a text. Seem to be enjoying the view today huh? xx - Ethan I blush at his text and quickly hide it and respond. Oh please don't flatter yourself , I was just looking outside - Yashfa I see him smile at my text and put his phone down. K that was weird. We finally arrive to school and we go our separate ways to our classes. Lets get this day started I guess.
Authors Note// Soo what did you guys think of this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Hmmm..! You guys can contact me on Instagram @dopedolantwinz