Chapter 6

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Natsu was floating in a black abyss, blissfully unaware of the discussion happening in reality.

Until something blew up.

All he really registered was the presence of fire and adrenaline in the air around him, and next thing he knew, he was awake, alert, and really, really hungry. To his disappointment, however, by the time he stood up, the fire had disappeared.

"Aw, come on! Did I miss the action already? I need to fight something!" And so he started ranting about his terrible misfortune to just miss the action, until someone whacked him on the back of his head. "Hey!"

Ichigo just looked down on him, thunderous scowl in place. "In case you haven't noticed, you're not the only one here! I can hear you just fine, thanks, without the constant yelling in my ear!"

Natsu crossed his arms and put his best pouting face on, but it didn't affect the Soul Reaper one bit.

"Oi, yinas, not to break up your little staring match there, but we really should be leaving. Like, before the portal closes?" Kajin's voice rose from where he was helping Ben up.

Ichigo sent one more warning glare at Natsu before following Edward towards the other two. Natsu scoffed and went after them.

One of Ben's arms was slung over Kajin's shoulders as they started to move towards the portal, Ichigo stopping and taking the other one, the two of them all but lifting Ben off the ground, not that he was complaining. The poor guy had skin lacerations covering his back and shoulders, plus a few on the bottom of his right leg and foot, which had apparently been exposed when he kneeled over that weird blue-skinned guy. Natsu felt a small stab of guilt at the sight of Ben's injuries, despite not knowing anything about the guy. Ben had put his life before someone else's, odd looking as they might be, whereas Natsu had thrown a fit about a lack of battle. The Jedi might fit in well with Fairy Tail.

Edward led the way, jumping through with no hesitation. The other three followed at a slower pace, with Natsu bringing up the rear.

Natsu had just been thinking about how hungry he was again, until he entered the portal. Now, confronted by dizzying, swirling colors, the sensation of being taken apart and put together again (almost like his battle with Gildarts on Tenrou Island), and odd smells reaching his sensitive nose, he was starting to rethink how hungry he was.

It felt like forever but at the same time it felt like a split second, and then they were out. Natsu found himself landing gracelessly on something hard and hot, accompanied by a shout of, "Get the krik off me!"

Senses immediately on alert, Natsu leaped to his feet, fist on fire, looking for something to hit, only to find himself standing in a forest clearing. The only light came from his burning fist, a spread of stars visible above.

Looking back down, he caught sight of Kajin, who he had apparently landed on, pushing himself painfully to his feet, cursing in some obscure language.

Natsu smirked. "You okay?"

Kajin just glared back, before igniting fire of his own. Only, instead of engulfing his fist, steam-like wisps flowed from his fingers and created a fireball that floated above his palm. Natsu stared, entranced by the dancing flame and the strange scent it emitted. He felt drawn to it, and it almost seemed like his flames were leaning towards Kajin's.

"What kind of magic is that?" Natsu asked, finally dragging his eyes from the flame.

Kajin snorted. "Not magic. Just fire. In my universe, when you bond with an Iri, you gain control of an elemental power." He tilted his head for a moment, looking lost in thought. "Although, I guess I'm kind of different. Most Azkiar have to carry around a bit of their element to use it. Me and a few others have the ability to create the element whenever we want. Mine is fire."

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