Chapter 1

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Ben Skywalker woke up in a blinding white oblivion.

For a second, he wondered if he was blind, but the Force was telling him that his eyes weren't deceiving him.

His feeling was confirmed when a boy with bright red hair suddenly appeared five feet away from him.

They stared at each other, both equally perplexed and confused. Out of habit, Ben checked that his lightsaber was still there, and widened his sensory range. The invisible sphere of his Force sensory expanded and passed over the other boy, who was studying Ben with a practiced eye. And then he got his second surprise (or third, who really cares anyway?).

This boy didn't exist in the Force!

At the exact moment he realized this, the other boy seemed to make a decision and stepped back into a strange fighting stance, with both hands held by his sides, where a blaster would normally hang on his hip. Only, this boy didn't have any guns. At least, none that Ben could see.

"Who are you?" Ben asked, hand slowly moving down to his lightsaber. "Are you aligned with the Yuuzhan Vong?"

"I should be asking who you are. And what's a Yuuzhan Vong?" The boy said, raising his head a little, and Ben finally got a look at his face. But it wasn't his facial features that caught Ben's attention. It was his eyes.

They were flame red.

In other words, this guy couldn't possibly be human.

And he didn't know who the Yuuzhan Vong were. Everybody knew who they were. The Jedi were particularly interested in them, because, like the boy in front of him, they didn't exist in the Force.

Ben made a snap decision and stepped back into his own stance and ignited his lightsaber, all in one smooth motion, almost too quick for the eye to follow. "You had better tell me who you are or-"

"Oh, come on! Not again!"

Ben and the boy looked around, almost in perfect sync, when a new voice entered the fray. Over to the side was a short boy with blond hair tied back in a braid, standing with a completely shocked expression that dissolved into a grimace. He started to look around, anger written all over his face. "Where are you and your gate? I thought you said I was done with this alchemy stuff!"

Ben raised an eyebrow. Alchemy?

The other red-haired boy looked just as puzzled. "And you are...?"

The blond-haired boy took notice of them and scowled. "So you were dragged into this, too?"

"Huh. Guess I'm not alone."

This voice came from behind him. Whirling around, Ben found another boy, this one with orange hair, carrying a ridiculously large sword. The first redhead opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by someone yelling, and a boy with pink (seriously, pink?) hair popped into existence.

The last arrival looked around, anger evident in his eyes. "Hey! Where am I? This had better not be a trick, cause if it is-"

"Hmm. Well, this is certainly a group of fiery personalities."

This voice didn't come from anywhere, but was all around. Again, Ben stretched out in the Force, but nothing was there. The other boys looked just as confused as he was, except for the pink-haired guy. He just managed to look angrier.

"Who's there?!" the he yelled, looking around furiously, not the least concerned with the fact that there were four other guys right in front of him.

"Oh, I don't think you need to know that, Salamander. Also, Fullmetal, before you ask, this is not the Gateway of Truth. This is somewhere else entirely. Well, that's not entirely accurate. I guess you could call this place nowhere."

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