Alyssa's POV
"Do you guys have all your belongings?" I asked the boys as we landed in the warm homeland of Southern California.
"Yup." The boys answered all at once.
"Great. My car is parked in the parking structure so I'll go run and get my car, and I'll pick you guys up in front of that huge tree over there." I indicated as i pointed to an enormous tree right outside of the terminal. As they nodded their heads in agreement, I ran towards my car.
Is this the right thing to do? Are Nicole and I going to be alright? How will I pay for everything without mom or dad? What's going to happen when we get home? I kept overthinking as I drove towards the large palm tree.
"Alright so go ahead and place your bags in the trunk and hop in. Sorry it's really small in here. I never really planned on having 5 british boys pile into my mini cooper."
As we drove off, Liam and Zayn successfully double buckled, Niall had Nicole on her lap, Louis had extra bags on his lap, and Harry sat beside me in the front with some bags with him as well. The whole car ride home was very quiet with the exception of the radio playing in the background.
"Maybe it's the way she walked! Straight into my heart and stole it!..." Their new single played on the radio unexpectedly all of a sudden. I gave a quick glance at Harry as it began to play and he smirked back. It felt comfortable and broke the tension for this small smirk to come through. When the chorus came up, I decided to break the silence and shout the lyrics.
"and we danced all night to the best song ever! we knew every line now I can't remember!..." Nicole joined in and Niall started laughing immedietly. The boys eventually all caught on, and we were all singing terribly at the top of our lungs while laughing and enjoying each other.
When the song ended, we continued to laugh, talk to each other and share stories.
"So Harry, where are you from anyways?" I decided to ask him.
"Holmes Chapel. UK."
"That's cool. I've never heard of it. Do you like it there?"
"Yeah, it's quite small actually. I used to work in a bakery there. Then I joined X Factor because my mum forced me but it was definitely worth it."
"Haha I see. That's always been my dream. I've always wanted to be a great singer going on world tours with my band. I've done online submissions for X Factor USA, and American Idol, but I don't even think they look at those."
"I'm not sure. I guess it's probably better to go do the audition in person on teh audition days or something. Maybe we can sing together sometime!" Harry and I chuckled together.
"No! I'm not kidding! We could do it sometime!" And as soon as he said that, we arrived home.
Harry's POV
"Harry you can have my parents room." Alyssa told me.
"I can't. I can just share the guest room with Lou and Niall or the other room with Liam and Zayn." I replied. It definitely would be unfair for me to have te largest room AND the room that her parents recently had. Especially after the incident.
"I can't have an empty room go to waste. Seriously please just take it."
I decided to just follow her orders and I took the room. I organized my items in the room and layed on the bed.
How did I end up here? How could this be happening so fast? What's going to happen with my career? How long am I going to be living here for? I continued questioning the future as Alyssa walked in and disrupted my thoughts.
"knock knock! Hey we have lunch downstairs. The boys are eating already with Nicole. Grilled Cheese Sanwiches!" She happily said as she left the room. I followed her downstairs and joined the boys.
"Hey are you not eating?" I asked Alyssa who was on the couch texting.
"I already ate! Thanks though." She replied. "Hey guys, my friend Erica is coming over so yeah, just letting you know."
Alyssa's POV
"Hey Erica!" I greeted her as she came in. "So yeah, there are 5 brits in my kitchen right now so prepare to hold yourself together." I told her as we both laughed. As we entered the kitchen, the boys turned around and greeted her. Niall was left breatheless and remained starring at her.
"Niall?!" I tried to get him out of his stare.
"Oh, um, hey, hi, i mean hello. My name is Niall." He greeted himself nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Hi. Name's Erica." She quickly responded. The room immidietly went completely quiet.
"Uhhh, so Lou, Liam, Zayn, Harry, Nicole, do you guys want to go to the grocery store or something? We can leave the two awkward love birds alone here." I stated as I made a flirty face to Niall and Erica.
We drove off leaving the two behind. Nicole played around with Louis and Liam, as Zayn fell asleep. Harry sat by me in the front and kept playing with his fingers. All of a sudden, as I had one hand on the steering wheel, and the other on the armrest, I felt anothe wwarm hand touch mine.
Could this be the start of something new?

Lost In A Love War (One Direction Fan Fiction)
FanfictionWhen an ordinary teenage girl who has a life full of hatred towards everything and doesnt appreciate the love from others around her, goes to school and hears news about a huge plane crash on a building that her parents were at for the week, she imm...