Chapter 1: Bedtime Story!

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Mia's POV:

Carmen and I were sitting by the window ceil just staring out at the ocean even though we should be in bed.

"Carmen, Mia, and Juni time for bed." Mom said coming into our room putting our dirty laundry in the hamper.

"Did you brush you teeth?" Mom asked.

"We already did." Carmen and I said.

"Juni, don't forget to brush--" mom said but got cut off.

"I am, I am." Juni said.

"All right. All right." Mom said. My brother Juni has very bad warts right now. It's kinda gross if you ask me.

"Ok, warts. Uhh! Prepare to meet your maker." Juni said. I stood by the door looking at him in amusement.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. Nothing." I said going to bed which is next to Carmen's bed.

"Everything ok at school?" Mom asked us.

"Yeah. It's good." I said smiling.

"It's fine." Carmen said.

"Ok. Well, lights out." Mom said about to leave but Carmen said something making her turn around.

"Bedtime story first." Carmen said.

"What story do you want to hear?" Mom asked us.

"The 2 spies who fell in love." Carmen and I said.

"Hmm. Wow. I haven't told that one in a while. You two probably remember that better then I do." Mom said sitting on Carmen's bed.

"Want to hear A story, Juni?" Mom asked since Juni is still in the bathroom.

"I'm listening." Juni said.

"Ok." Mom said.

"Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman." Mom started.

"And they were both spies." I said.

"Yes. She from one country, he from another. She had a very important mission assigned to her." Mom said.

"He was her mission." Carmen said.

"Correct. Her mission was to take him out." Mom said.

"On a date?" I asked.

"No. Uh, take him" Mom said trailing off.

"Oh, you mean..." Carmen said pretending to cut her neck open.

"I shouldn't be telling you two this." Mom said.

"Go on. Go on." I encouraged her.

"You have to understand, these were dark confusing times. I mean, there was an enormous amount of turmoil between countries." Mom said. Then the story began...

"Out of fear. A new kind of soldier was created-- brilliant, brave soldiers who's greatest weapons were their minds. Those men and women were spies. They were masters of disguise. They could sense danger a mile away, and through their work, wars were ended before they even started. The only things spies were truly afraid of were other spies-- enemy spies. So, sometimes, one spy's mission was to make the enemy disappear. He was the assignment that changed her life, but when the moment finally came to carry out her mission... She couldn't do it. He was different then she expected. Sure, he was charming and intelligent... But he was unexpectedly honorable, and it made her realize how years of working with detached emotion had taken its toll, so they kept contact through lunch dates-- very discreet. After all, they were on different sides, so they could never be seen together. Dinner dates followed wherever their mural travels took them. And they fell in love, and they decided that, together, they would embark on the most dangerous mission of all time." Mom said.

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