Chapter 2: Floop Foogles

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Mia's POV:

I was walking across the rope thing with Carmen. We have to do this everyday. Stupid jungle gym.

"Why do we have to do this every morning? We already have P.E. At school." Juni asked as he went across the monkey bars.

"Uhh." Juni said as Carmen and I stopped going on.

"You gonna have there all day, scaredy cat?" Carmen asked.

"Told you not to look down." I said still hanging on the monkey bars.

"I can't help it. I'm slipping." Juni said.

"It's your butterfingers that are slipping." Carmen said making me laugh. I continued watching Juni as one of his hands slipped off.

"Uhh!" He said.

"Hurry up!" I said annoyed.

"I can-- uhh." Juni said trying to reach up and grab the monkey bar but Carmen kicked his but making him fall and bounce off the trampoline making him fly off it and land face first on the ground.

"Whoa. Uhh!" He yelled. He started moaning in pain. Me Carmen jumped off the monkey bars and landed perfectly.

"You just fell a thousand feet. You're a pancake." I said.

"Am not." Juni said.

"Are too." Carmen and I said.

"Don't trip getting up, pancake." Carmen said as we walked away only for Juni to throw a weight lifter thing but missing us and braking a plant pot instead.

"Butterfingers." I said walking away with Carmen.

"We'll see about that." Juni muttered.
Third Person:

Then Juni, Carmen and Mia kept arguing.

Ingrid saw Gregorio holding a piece  of paper and snatched it out of his hand.

"Donnagon?" She asked looking at the missing person.

"Yeah. He's missing." Gregorio said. 

"Is this what you were hiding from me last night?" Ingrid asked.

"I didn't want to worry you." Gregorio said.
They were all in the car and Juni was watching his weird show cartoon thing.

"We now return to... Floops Foogles." The tv said.

"Why do you watch that show?" Gregorio asked his son.

"Because it's cool. Why?" Juni asked as Carmen and Mia stared out at the window all bored.

"Because that's all you ever do. Plays video games and watch the tapes. Do you know why, son?" Gregorio asked.

"So, always remember, whatever you do, believe in yourself. Your dreams will come true. For you and you and you." The tv said. Mia pulled out a weird picture her brother drew.

"What's this suppose to be, a self-portrait?" Mia asked.

"What's this suppose to be, a self-portrait." Juni mocked in the same voice.

"Mom, he's mimicking me!" Mia yelled as the dad took the picture.

"Mom, he's mimicking me!" Juni mocked again.

"Mia, leave your brother alone. Juni stop talking to like your sister." Ingrid said as Juni's smile fell.

"Stop it." Mia said.

"Stop it." Juni mimicked.

"Look at this it's hideous." Gregorio said showing Ingrid the picture Juni made.

"Well, talk to him." Ingrid said.

"It's a Fooglie idea. I designed it myself." Juni said proud.

"Today we're very excited because today, we have a new character! We found him snooping around the castle last night. I want you all to meet Donnamight." The tv said as Juni got all his toys of the characters out of his backpack and Mia gave Carmen a look.

"Dad, when Fooglie makes a toy out if that one, I want it!" Juni said as the new character kept speaking in alien tongue. Gregorio kept glancing at the new character and the picture of the missing person but he wasn't paying attention to the road.

"Honey!" Ingrid yelled getting his attention as the tires squeals when he stopped. Then the stop sign lady kept speaking in foreign language.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Gregorio said as Juni, Carmen and Mia got out of the car.

"Juni. Juni. Hey. Anybody gives you a hard time in there, remember, you are a Cortez." Gregorio told his son.

"What's so special about being a Cortez?" Juni asked walking away.

"Lots of things." Gregorio said.
Juni walked towards the school as a boy walked up to him.

"Hey, it's the mummy. Nice-looking bandages, mummy." The boy said as Gregorio saw what was happening.

"Just stop it, man." Juni said but that only made the kid mad.

"When I'm talking to you, you listen." The boy said.

"Ay yi yi yi." Gregorio said getting out of the car.

"Nice dolls. Here, let me see the dolls." The boy said but Juni ran away.

"Have a good day, son. Show 'em who's boss." The boys dad said. Gregorio turns around and sees the boys dad.

"Can I help you with something, macho?" The boys dad asked. Gregorio was daydreaming before the kids dad asked the same question again.

"I said, can I help you with something, chief?" He asked.

Gregorio shook his head right when the bell rang and he left.

"I didn't think so." The boys dad said.

Across from where they were Juni looked at his dad in disappointment that he didn't do anything.

"My dad was gonna beat up your dad." The boy teased Juni.

Gregorio got into his car and sighed.

"No more secrets, deal?" Ingrid asked her husband.

"Soon. Definitely soon." Gregorio said.
Carmen and Mia are walking with their friend Alexis down the hall.

"I even have to share a room with him because he's so afraid of being alone." Mia complained Carmen nodded in agreement.

"Watch out for Juni, take care of Juni, show Juni right from wrong." I shouldn't be responsible for anybody but me and Mia." Carmen said.

"You're so right, Carmen." Alexis said.

Juni sitting down by the bars heard what Carmen and Mia said.

"What's so special about being a Cortez?" Juni asked himself as he pulled out one of his dolls.

"I wish I could go away to your world, foo. You'd be my friend." Juni said to himself.
Here is the second chapter. I hope you liked it. I'm not putting the whole entire movie on here but I am most of it.

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