Chapter 2-Club Experience

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Mark's POV

The boys and I decided to go out to the newest club called "Rumors." So far it's been amazing the atmosphere is great and the drinks are better. I met a new girl out on the dance floor named Kyla. She seems cool. She asked me to dance and I couldn't refuse. I was only out for a few minutes when she started grinding on me. I was doing the same when I suddenly remembered Marissa. Marissa......oh my God. I'm grinding with some girl and yet I'm in a relationship, what the heck am I doing!!!! I had to leave the dance floor and get another drink.

"Babe, where are you going. I thought things were going well?!" exclaimed Kyla.

"I'm going to take a break and get another drink, that's all"

"Ok ,Come back soon and we can have some fun" she said with a wink.

Ugh, I really need a drink, something strong. I went back to the table to summon my mates to come have some shots.

"Come on boys lets go have some shots, I've heard the signature Jello Shots are amazing."

"Sounds good." Collin, Jack, Ian, and Zach in unison. With that we headed over to the bar.

"Could we have ten Jello Shots please?" Ian asked "two for each of us"

The bar tender replied "sure they'll be ready in just a minute."

"Thank you"

When our Jello Shots came all took one and yelled "BOTTOMS UP!!!!!" The sweet liquid burned my throat but it was a wonderful sensation. I have to admit I was a little tipsy.

Later in the night Kyla came over to me and asked if I wanted to dance yet again, at first I said no but she pulled on the dance floor anyway. I saw Ian in a heated kissing session with a blonde girl. Zach was out on the dance floor with a pretty red head. Whilst Collin and Jack were dancing with a set of brunette twins. Kyla and I danced to the beat of the loud club music and we really got to dancing. I had a few more drinks and was really starting to babble. I took Kyla to a corner of the club and pinned her up against the wall. She giggled and then kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss her back. Soon enough it turned into a heated make-out session and I took her to the bathroom. She started to strip right in front of me and I pulled her into my hold and we started kissing again. She removed my shirt and pants so I was left in my boxers and her in just a bra and panties. I cannot remember what happened next but all I know is my mates dragging me out of the club all of us drunk and satisfied.

We all somehow made it back to Ian's flat and crashed. We did take some girls home and in the morning my head was killing me. I looked at my phone and saw that I received several missed calls and texts from Marissa. Oh my gosh Marissa forget Kyla. The one who was in bed with me. I totally forgot about her. I went and cheated on her for a third time now. What am I going to do. Marissa has one week before she leaves and I just let our relationship go.

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