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The blonde bimbo pushed me and her friends kicked me in the ribs
To be Continued edited 2016
Part 2
"Haha that's what you get for insulting me" she laughed my eyes began to blur all I could see was a blonde girl up in my face sticking her tongue she looked just like Miley Cyrus sticking her flappy tongue out . I couldn't loose. I got up and punched her pretty little nose not so pretty anymore is it. "Owe" she scolded at me "You made the biggest mistake of your life" Another bimbo shouted. She was about to swing at me but Eliot grabbed her fist preventing her from hitting me. "Leave her alone" Eliot shouted "Aww look a little 16 year old haha" The bimbo 1 laughed "Thats it" Eliot shouted and knocked all three girls out. "OMG Eliot thank you" I hugged him''. As I walked inside the school some chick named Ashley came up to me "You know that girl up there fighting you" she asked "No" I said "Well her girls and her name is Becky,Becka,and the leader Bella The three wanna B's you get it"she joked "They sound like hoe's" I laughed "Yeah so what class do you have" Ashley asked "Art" I said "Oh me too I'll take you there" Ashley said as we walked to class
Eliot's POV
"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen if you didn't know that we have a new student you know now, Introduce yourself!" Mr.S said
"Hey I'm Eliot, Eliot Grande I'm 16 years old" I smiled "Next time don't tell us your age" Mr.S mumbled "I sat next to this really pretty girl. I glanced at her name tag EMMA JONES "Hey Emma" I blushed "Oh hey new kid oh I mean Eliot right?" she smiled "Yeah" I laughed "Well we should start paying attention" she said looking back at the
Uhh I'm such an idiot "hi Emma" "Yeah" really how stupid

"So -5+(6-3)=-2 "the teacher wrote
This class is super easy why am I in here oh yeah because I was being a lazy ass guessing on the CST's and got a low grade
"Eliot can you help me" Emma blushed "Sure what's up"
"I'm having trouble figuring out -9+(5+6)+-13" Emma asked
"Easy it's -11" I laughed
"I suck at Math" she giggled
"If you want you can come over at my house and I'll tutor you" I asked shyly "Of course" she smiled "Here's my number 9094615015" handing it to her
"Here's mine 9092174229" she handed it to me "I'll text you my address" I smiled as the bell rang. I headed to the cafeteria. I walked to line. "Can I have a salad with those crunch chip things and a granola bar with a soda" I smiled "Pay me $4.25" a sweet voice said "Aren't you to young to be a lunch lady" I asked "I'm 17 gonna turn 18 I'm volunteering for only 1 month for community service" she explained as I walked to an empty table. Emma walked towards my table and sat next to me "Hey I was wondering if you maybe wanna go to the beach tonight" she blushed My stomach didn't have those butterflies or knots inside I didn't feel those same feelings than I realized I don't like Emma. "Not to be rude but no I don't feel that way about you sorry" I said picking up my tray and sitting alone at the first table near the young lunch lady. I couldn't help but blush she was hot. I looked at my little buddy down under sticking up I gulped as I closed my legs. I ate my lunch and Emma walked up to me. "Hey asshole" she rolled her eyes and laughed "hey I'm sorry for being rude" I laughed as I they a crouton at her. "Hey!" She shouted and laughed as she finished her fries. "Yes I'd love to" I replied silently. "What" she wiggled her eyebrows as she stared down at her plate. "The beach" I looked sincerely "oh" she said "I'm really sorry about my reaction" . "Its cool see ya later" she stood up and threw her tray away and waked to her friends. I looked at the lunch lady and she blushed and looked away. Score!

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