Its time

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When I got home I was pissed. How could he think that of me! I have tried to tell him so meany times but it just won't get into his thick skull. What do I have to do to get him to understand!
By this time Anthony was in my room. He saw me passing back and forth and twiddling my thumbs. He knew I was mad. what was I suppose to feel?
"Hey look dude... I'm sorry of being a jerk. Im just nerves about all this and I forget stuff." I look at him and my eyes soften. I felt bad for him. I have never been in this situation before and it looks like we are both scared for how this is going to turn out.
"Sorry, I just don't know what to do. I have never felt this way before and I don't know how to handle it. Just cut me some slack."
"I'm sorry to. And I will. I just can't wait to get this over with. Is there any way that we can do it sooner then four days? The more I wait, the more it hurts inside."
"I mean we can if you are sure. Do you want me to run you down on what's going to happen first?" I ask him. He just nodes and I continue.
"Well... First I will kill you by snapping your neck, but that's not the worst part. I will then feed you my blood. I have to be carful about this. I don't want to become human." He looked at me like I was crazy.
"Why wouldn't you want to be human!" He yelled at me. I just shine my head. He was confused and unreasonable.
"Look... lets get this over with and go on with our life's. I will give you till the count of three. One...-" and I cracked it. The nerves would have killed him before I did if I didn't do it sooner then intended.
I sunk my teeth into my wrist and shoved it to his mouth. My blood flowed in slowly. His hart started out vary slowly. Then gradually got faster. My head started to feel dizzy like I was about to pass out,and that's what happened.

I woke up next to a sleeping Anthony. His face was a lot smoother then before and his hair was a lighter brown that was perfect on him. He then woke up to me in his face, and guess what the first thing he did when he saw me? He slapped me hard.
" um OW!" I yelled at him. "What was that for!"
"For not counting to three!" Oh. I did deserve that one.

We walked down stairs and I open the fridge to get some blood for the both of us. I then remember the AB- blood that I have and I take that out.
"It's sad to say that it smells good but it does!" He said in excitement. I pored us both a glass and we sat down on the couch with all of the blinds closed. It was a vary dark room and we could both see fine.
"Hay Ian when can I see my mom again?" He asked in a frantic voice. I then became worried because it was actually up to him. Can he stand the light? And can he not give away the secret?
"To be honest I really don't know. It's up to how you feel and how much self control you have. I would say about a week or so. He looked like a puppy that had been kicked.
"Why so long! If anything I feel good right now!" He screamed at me. And I just walked away. I can't stand newborns. They think they know everything there is to know. But they don't.
I went up to my room to think over my life. Nothing was going to be the same now. And his life was over. I mean we could invite his mother overs here where we can keep an eye on him but then it's like salutary confinement. I could go over to his house and watch him there, but it's not the same. I feel so bad for him that he can't see his mom. I guess we could go with the second idea but we will have to be carful. And whilst we are there we have to use our mind power on her again. Well... This is going to be so much fun.

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