Chapter 5 - Trippin'

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..:: Shailah POV ::..

"Like bullet your love hit me to the core, was fine until you knocked me tthe floor, and its so foolish how you keep me wanting more, aye...."

My alarm slowly but surely got me out of bed at 10:00am on a summer day. I had to get ready to go to Grace's house to meet her and the girls!

Islowlysprang out of bed, careful not to wake or step on Jacob. He was cute when he slept. I quietly removed all my clothes, with him in the room. As I was doing so, I heard a faint yell come from his direction and whipped my head around so fast, I'm surprised I didn't get whip-lash. He slowly but surely went back into his deep sleep, turning onto his stomach and snoring. I let out a sigh of relief and briskly wrapped a towel around my bare body and sprinted down the hall towards the bathroom.

On my way there, I failed to realize that my dog, Quito,'s bone was laid flat out in the middle of the hallway. I tripped spastically onto the wood floor, my body now opened and revealed for the world to see.

..:: Jacob POV ::..


I heard something fall out in the hallway just a couple of doors down from Shailah's room. I'm a heavy sleeper so I'm surprised I even woke up to the sound, though it was very loud. I got up from my make-shift bed and went to the door to open it. As I pushed the door opened, I peaked my head out to see a frazzled, semi-nude body, scrambling to get up from the floor. Her back was faced towards me so she didn't know I was there. I saw her... Butt and stuff from behind. Mm.. Nice figure ;) I thought to myself. I made sure I stayed hidden as she re-wrapped the towel around herself and let out a few tssss's and ahhh's as she limped to get up. I decided to let my presence be known and go help her. I walked up to her and spoke softly.

"You okay?", I asked sincerely.

She whipped her head in my direction, startled.

"Y-ye-yeah", she retorted softly.

I looked down and saw the blood trickling down

"Here, let me help", I suggested as I reached down, and pulled her up, careful not to let my hands venture to the unknown, though I wanted too, and put here arm around my shoulder for support. She walked as she leaned on me for support towards the bathroom, which was her original destination. I helped her prop up on the cold, granite sink counter as she flinched from the sting of the cold on her bare behind.

"Where's the alcohol and swabs?", I questioned.

She pointed towards the medicine cabinet, her head down with the curtain of medium-length jet black tresses covering her gorgeous face and her left hand grasping her right arm. I got the alcohol and swabs and dabbed the swab into the alcohol.

"This is gonna sting", I warned as I held out my left hand to her.

"Feel free to squeeze".

She let her right arm breathe as she removed her left hand from it and grabbed mine as she looked me in the eyes. I looked back into hers and got lost for a moment before turning my attention back to her floor-burn.

"1....2....", I counted inching closer with each number.

"Waaaiiitt!!", she yelled as she cringed and squeezed my hand harder than she had yesterday.

I chuckled at her fear.

"didn't even do anything yet"

"I-I-I know but.... O-ok, just do it...", she said.

Without counting, I dabbed the alcohol swab onto her wound and blew on it, to reduce the pain. She let out a soft shriek/moan that made me want to have her right then and there. I tensed up from the sound she made and quickly bandaged her up and washed my hands.

"You didn't have to do that, Jacob.... could've handled imyself", she said modestly looking me in the eye.

"I think a simple "thanks" would suffice", I responded with a smile.

"thanks", she said with a smal lsmile.

As I was about to walk away, I heard her ask something.

" much did you see of me in the h-hallway?...Be honest"

I froze. I didn't want to embarrass her and I didn't want her to feel awkward around me for the rest of the summer because I saw her ass so I lied.

"Nothing. Promise", I said simply.

"Oh..." she sounded relieved. "Alright", she smiled.

There was awkwardness lingering in the air as I stood there at the door before she walked towards me, strutting like she was trying to seduce me. Even if she wasn't, it was working. She came close to my face as though she was going to kiss me. I fell her warm breath brush across my lips before she pushed me out and slammed the door shut.

"Privacy!", she sang from the other side.

I heard her snickers turn into solid laughter as she turned on the shower. When I heard the water start to run, I turned on my heel and walked back to the room, silently laughing to myself. This girl is a trip and I'm looking forward to our tricks and teases for the rest of the summer. I walked into the room and threw myself onto the bed, lightly touching my lips like a fanboy, thinking about what it would have been like to actually have kissed her. I know, I should've just done it but that was only the first opportunity.

And it definitely will not be the last.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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