Chapter 23

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I SANG QUIETLY TO MYSELF, bopping my head along to a well known David Guetta song sounding from the radio. Me, being the type of person to like all sorts of music, was very up to date with all the recent chart toppers, but mostly with the help of Sophie who was a music fanatic. Marielle was into the rockier type of music, although whenever a catchy tune was heard, she would take an interest in it almost immediately. The great thing about my friends and I, was our different tastes, and yet our friendship was stronger than anything.

I continued to sing under my breath as my eyes scanned over the multiple equations printed on the page of my maths textbook. The amount of homework we had been given had doubled, as all of the teachers had agreed that it was best for the seniors to know as much as possible before leaving high school and setting away for college or university. They wanted our futures to be as bright as possible, but I knew for a fact that mine was going to be short lived. I was going to be lucky if I lived for any longer than four more days.

I pulled my legs in close, crossing them as I leaned forward on the mattress, eyes darting across the answers I had written down in my jotter. I was almost positive that I had everything correct, but it was easy for someone to make a mistake as the thought of their life being ended so suddenly came to mind every now and again.

I groaned in frustration. How was I supposed to concentrate on my school work when I knew the exact day I was going to be murdered? It was virtually impossible, and it left me shaking like a leaf whenever someone mentioned the word 'Friday'. Fridays were supposed to be good days - the start of the weekend, and yet I wouldn't get to enjoy another weekend.

How was I supposed to say my last goodbyes to everyone that I loved without making it obvious that I was hiding something? That's the thing - I wouldn't be able to. I was a horrible liar, and just as easy to read as a book. Everyone would know something was up, and questions would be asked from all directions.

Why did Zayn have to choose me? Of all people, I was the one he had to target and plan to kill. I was probably the least interesting girl out there, and yet I had captured his attention so greatly that he had written down my death day in his little diary.

Fucking vampire bastard, I thought to myself as I let my head fall into my clasped hands. I ran my hands through my hair, tugging roughly at the curly locks that were held back by a single hair bauble. Why me? Why me?

Just as I was about to start working again, my phone started ringing and I smiled as I looked at the called ID flashing across the screen. I reached over and picked up the small device, my eyes landing on the folded up drawing which had sat on my bedside table for a number of weeks. I looked away and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" I said as soon as I pressed the green button. Not a second later, Niall's voice could be heard on the other end of the line.

"Hey girly. What's up?" he asked, his voice a little gruffer than usual.

"Nothing much. Finishing off those maths questions for tomorrow. You?" I answered as I twirled my pencil around in my hand, jabbing myself a few times as I did.

"Shit, are those for tomorrow?!" Niall gasped, his voice full of panic. I laughed at his sudden worry before I cleared my throat and answered back.

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