Thank You & FAQ

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who read!

T H A N K   Y O U

Hey, guys if you're reading this.
I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who:

a) read the story
b) voted
c) commented
d) added
e) shared and
f) enjoyed this story!

I can't believe it's done so well, and I love every single one of you for your support! It means a lot :)



@xxliliesxx asks:
"What inspired you to write a book like this with drama, love and vampires? Why did you use Zayn and not any of the other boys as the main character?"

A: I've always been a fan of vampire legends, and I love things like The Vampire Diaries and The Mortal Instruments which have vampires in them. It's just always been something I've had an interest in, so I just threw in a bit of One Direction! Most of the AU ideas I have just come from random stories I've thought up and never had the motivation to write, so that's why I made them fan fictions because you guys keep me motivated - thank you!

And the reason Zayn was the main character in this story was because I have a vampire fan fiction planned for each lad, and this just happened to be the story I chose to place him in. Harry is always seen as the 'bad boy' now, so why not make it Zayn, the quiet, mysterious one for a change? ;)

@isurfstyles asks:
"Yeah, you always write Zayn as the main character. Why? Is it because he's the bad ass?"

A: Do I? This is the only Zayn story I've finished where he's a 'bad ass'! >.<

@ShivantikaRaje asks:
"After Incomprehensible, you would be working on I, Spy I guess?"

A: You guess correctly! :D

@lonelyknucklehead asks:
"What was the reason you got into writing in the first place? :) xox?"

A: Well, I read a lot of awesome books, and I thought, 'I want to be able to tell stories like that'. I've been writing crappy, short stories for a good few years, but the reason I started writing on Wattpad was because of One Direction. I like writing about things I love to be honest... :)

@jademikaella1D asks:
"Will Zayn be turning her so they can be together forever?"

A: I don't actually know... I didn't really plan ahead with this story. I suppose if she wanted to be with him forever and become immortal, then she'd agree to let him change her. I can't say for definite :)

@elvisdaughter asks:
"What are your upcoming stories?"

A: I have a LOT! Some are series, some are long novels like this one and others are short stories like my other story Lucifer! I'm looking forward to writing something different! >.<

Incomprehensible [Zayn]Where stories live. Discover now