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*3 weeks later.

I am sitting in my garage, in my fire suit. Ready to get this race going. The race was supposed to go green an hour and a half ago, but it's raining.

I'm sitting in the corner of my garage, checking twitter and Facebook.

I look up, and Brad is standing in front of me. "Hello." I say through closed teeth.

"Hey. Do you want to go grab something to eat? Roger said rain is in the forecast for about another hour." Brad says. Why is he being so nice?

"Okay Keselowski. What's up? Did Penske offer to give you a pay raise to be nice to me?" I laugh. "No. I just want to get to know you as a person, not a racer. I know you are a very obnoxious driver, and I'm not too sure about your personality quite yet." Brad says.

"Okay, sure I guess. Where we going?" I ask. "I think there is a BBQ pit around here somewhere." Brad says. "Okay. Sounds good." I smile.

This is so weird. We walk in silence down pit road, and I look in Kyle's garage, and all JGR is in there, looking at Brad and I like we are crazy. I look at them and give them a confused "I have no idea" look. I really have no idea.

We get to the BBQ pit, and go under the pavilion. "So Jo, how you liking Penske?" Brad asks taking a bite of his sandwich.

"It's pretty good. I'm not used to it yet since JGR is so organized, and you guys are kind of all over the place." I say, and Brad laughs.

Hate to admit it, but his laugh is very cute. Ew God Jo what am I saying?

"Yeah, Joey and I are a couple of wild child's." Brad says and I laugh. He is funny, and actually pretty cute. Did I just say cute!!?

"Yeah it seems like it." I say and there is more silence. I look up at Brad, catching him staring at me.

"Seriously Brad. What is going on?" I ask. "I told you. I just want to know you better. If we are going to be teammates, I need to get to know you." Brad says.

"Okay. Just making sure you ain't playing some kinda trick on me. Just for publicity." I say.

"Honestly Jo, I would never do that to you." Brad says, I can tell he ain't lying.

"Okay. Cause if you are, your balls are in Kyle's hands." I laugh. Brad shakes his head smirking.

My phone beeps, and so does Brad's. "The command will be in 10 minutes. We better head back." Brad says.

I smile and begin to walk back with Brad. "Are we cool now Brad? Can we just put everything behind us and start over, as teammates?" I ask him. "That's what my goal was." Brad says.

"Just because we are good now, I hope it doesn't mean we go easy on each other on the track." I laugh. "Never." Brad says back and we get to the garage and Joey is staring at us.

"What Logano?" I ask. "You and Brad actually talking and not wanting to kill each other is shocking." Joey says.

"The urge is still there, but not as much." I laugh. "Wow Jo! I thought we got past this!" Brad smiles.

"Maybe Keselowski after this race, you will eat my dust!" I say laughing and going to my car.

"Yeah right! More like you will eat my dust!" Brad laughs walking with Joey out to their own cars.

I shake my head and get into my Frito-Lay machine.

About a minute later I hear what I wanted to hear for the last 2 and a half hours.

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