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As I wait for the chicken for my sandwiches I'm taking to Brad to cook, I check twitter.

Congrats @JoMcGuire13 on the win for @Penske! Couldn't have asked for a better teammate!

Great job @JoMcGuire13 on the win at Michigan! Well deserved.

A few races in, and our rookie @JoMcGuire13 took the checkered. I think we made the right choice in having you on our team.

That's what I'm talking about! #goJo

Update on the people involved in the crash. @AustinDillon3, @TonyStewart, @DaleEarnhardtJr88, and @Keselowski have all been released from the care center with minor injuries.

Good. I'm glad.

Great job @JoMcGuire13 on the win! I miss you!

And that is when I locked my phone and throw it on the couch. How the heck can he say he misses me?!? He is the one who ruined it himself.

I begin to smell the chicken, an it is done. I put it in some tinfoil and grab some buns and toppings. I'm going to Brad's.

I walk in to his RV and he is sitting at the table.

"Someone's ready for food." I laugh. "Only your cooking." He says almost drooling looking at the chicken.

"Lets eat!" I say and we dig in.

*2 hours later.

"I think I am going to head on home. I love you Brad. I will call you when I get home. I love you to death. I never want to lose you." I say. "I love you too Jo. I hope you have a safe flight! I never want to lose you either Jo. You're my rock. " Brad smiles and kisses my head.

"Bye, again." I say. "Bye." Brad says and I am off to the airport.

*skip to flight.

What is a better way to kill 3 hours than to go to twitter!

Heyo @DarrellWallaceJr, come over tonight! And answer your phone cause I've been trying to get ahold of you for the past hour! #callmemaybe

I have no idea where this year has gone! Can you guys believe the seasons almost over?!? #wantmyoldteamback

It's only July, calm yourself.

I don't know if y'all have heard the rumors yet about me retiring the 48 next year, but if y'all have, they're true. The ol' Lowes 48 is gonna have a new owner next year. Thank y'all for sticking with me this long. I expect y'all to stick with me till the end & beyond. #48willneverdie

Awe Jimmie. I am still not sure if I want to drive for him or not..

I keep reading twitter, and before I know it, I'm in OKC and ready to go home.

*arrive at house

I go inside and grab some food. I make a frozen pizza and when it's done I go sit in the living room and turn the tv on.

I begin to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

*next Sunday cause I'm lazy.

"We are here in beautiful Charlotte! We have Michael on standby on the track, doing his gridwalk. Michael?" Mike says.

"Hey guys! I think I see Kyle Busch! Approaching now!" Michael says and runs to him.

"Hey Kyle! Can we talk?" Michael asks. "Sure!" Kyle says. "How is JGR doing this season?" Michael asks.

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