#13 Lost

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Special Long Story Because I Love You All...

Imagine the grievers have just attacked the glade. When they finally leave Newt can't find you, he panics and starts running out of the shelter yelling your name. Newt's heart is poundimg a million miles an hour, he just saw his best friend, Alby, get taken by a griever right in front of him, he couldn't lose you as well. Thomas is trying to comfort him, "Newt it's okay, I'm sure she's fine". You can hear Newt yelling your name so you start yelling back, "Newt! I'm okay I'm over here!" Newt can hear someone yelling, but he isn't sure if it's you, "everybody, bloody shut up, please I think I can hear something" he said, everyone goes silent. Newt thought that it was just the crackling from the burning crop, but then he heard you again. "Come on over I can hear her", you heard some footsteps getting closer. Everyone who was left ran over with Newt, all desperate to find you. Newt kept shouting your name. Finally! He found you, next to a dead glader. Newt drops to the ground and picks you up and pulls you closer to him, "are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine", Newt looked down to see a cut in your arm, and a cut in the lip, but that was it. Newt looked at the glader's lifeless body lying next to you. You reach up and guided Newt's face back to yours, "he saved me, I should be dead". Newt hugs you even tighter, "I will never ever let anything happen to you again, I'm glad you're safe. Newt thought to himself how much you mean to him, and how thankful he is to the glader who saved you.

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