Parkour Girl - Part 1

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If you can't tell This story is suppose to be slightly futuristic. When I say 'off the grid' it means that there is a certain point where people have to stop but if your a runner you can go beyond that point which is off the grid. And this isn't smutty in part 1.
"Huff!" I say as I jump to the other building. I grasp on but almost fall, "Ah." I grunt and pull myself up. I look at the 100 foot drop beneath me, "That was close Red." My commander said threw my Bluetooth. My actual name is Y/N but I go by Red in the company I'm in.

"I know boss, but I made it." I said back walking away from the edge to the middle of the roof.

"That was the fifth time today are you sure your doing ok?" He says laughing.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say.

"Yeah yeah." He says, "You need to get to the power house and power it down."

"Sounds simple," I say, "I'm on it." I then walk to the side of the building and see that there is a building not far underneath. I then back up to the other side of the building and sprint. I run until I'm at the very edge and then I jump. I'm in the air for a solid five seconds until I drop down. Once my feet hit the ground I quickly role to break my landing. I then continue sprinting and do a hurdle over an air conditioner atop of the building.

"Hey Red." My boss says.

"Yes?" I say running across the long row of connected buildings.

"You did look where your going right?" He asked.

"I don't need to. The chip shows me where I need to go." I say. The chip is an eye contact that is connected to my Bluetooth. So if my boss tells me to go somewhere it will detect his voice and light up the path the the place where I need to go.

"Oh yeah that's right." He says.

"Your only 28 boss I didn't think that you where that old." I said laughing.

"Just get going Kid." My boss said, "I have some one I want you to meet."

"I'm on it." I said as I reached the edge of the buildings. I have to jump from this building to the window ledge on the other one. I step back a few and run. I reach the edge and I jump. I land safely on the window still, "Oh! Ok. I'm good. Phew." I then look above me and see that I have to climb a good fifteen feet until I'm at the top of the building. I jump up to the next window ledge and start climbing. I eventually get to the top and see the power house. It's a large structure made of metal beems. I quickly run to the power house and jump towards it. I grab on to one of the bars I swing back and forth until I manage to place my foot on a bar. I climb to the top where the power box is. I try opening up the fuze box but it doesn't budge.

"It's not budging." I say.

"Did you try punching it?" He asks.

I then punch the fuze box and it opens up, "Got it."

"You punched it?" My boss asks.

"Yeah." I said back turning it off.

"I was joking." He said laughing.

"Well I got it." I said laughing a little back while closing the fuze box.

"Get back quick so the police doesn't find you." My boss says.

"I'm on my way." I say climbing down from the power house.

Time Skip

I reach our companies industry and go threw the entrance. I walk in and see many of my fellow runners walking around. I quickly get up to my bosses room. I run up the stairs and turn right to his room. I open the door and walk in.

"Hey Tomas." I say to my boss.

Tomas/bosses POV
"Hello Red." I say to Y/n, "Glad to see that you made it back." I said. I notice that Y/n is looking confused at my brother, "oh! That is Mark. He is my brother. He's been training to be a runner. So, here is your new partner."

"Hi." Mark said waving to Y/n.

Marks POV
"Hi." I said to Red. What's her name? All she does is slightly smile and wave at me. She's really beautiful.

"I'll leave you alone to get to know each other. Your going to have to. You guys work together now." Tomas said as he was about to walk out. Before he walks out I see him go up to Red and whisper something. I slightly heard him.

"Give him a chance, Kid." Tomas whispered. Red just gave him a look. Why does he keep calling her kid? Tomas then walked out of the room and closed the door. It was silent for a while.

"So what's your name?" I ask.

"Y/n." She says.

"My name is-" Y/n cut me off.

"Mark. I know Tomas just said a while ago." She said.

"Right. So how old are you?" I ask.

Your POV
"So how old are you?" Mark asks me.

"Enough with the questions red head." I say walking over to the window. Marks hair is dyed red.

"Feisty." Mark says smirking.

"You got a girlfriend?" I ask.

"Nope." Mark says looking out of the window.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"27." He says.

"How long have you been training?" I ask.

"About three months now, but I've never seen you before." Mark says looking at me.

"It's because they separate the newbies from the runners to keep the runners focused on their missions." I say.

"How long have you been in the program?" Marks asks me.

"Since I was 14." I say.

"How old are you now?" Marks asks.

"Let's go see if Tomas has a mission for us." I say walking quickly away from Mark and out the doors.

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