Chapter 1

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Aisha wedding dress in the media

Aisha Pov:

Today is my big day but it doesn't feel like it. I'm sitting here waiting for the makeup artist. After she is done she leaves. I look at my dress, henna, and look at my beautified face in the mirror. I look around and feel so lonely. You would think my in laws and sister would be here complimenting me on the day of my wedding. My in laws hated me ever since my soon to be husband introduced me to them. They hate how i'm not rich like them and how im not from where they are(they are Somalian and im Mauritanian )
They hate that im not East African like them and that im West African). My sister is overseas in school studying to become an oncologist. I don't even know what to do. If only my mother was still alive. She would be able to guide me through this.
"Mama?" I asked.
"Hmm sweetheart."
How did it feel like when you got married?
Honestly I was so nervous. I didn't know what to do. I was asking myself questions like; do he have cold feet? Does he still want me? What did I get myself into. My mother in law and mother sensed my anxiety. They were telling me everything is going to be alright. That if he didn't want to marry you he would not propose to you. After hearing all of that I got a little bit less nervous. When it was time to for me to go to my soon to be husband aka your father I was shaking. But as soon as I made eye contact with him I forgot about everything. I remembered why I said yes to this man. Why I loved him. I felt like it was nobody but just us. But my daughter. You wouldn't have to worry because I will be there to guide you through your nervousness and comfort you inshallah. If I'm not there than your mother in law will be there to guide you."
Flashback ends
After i'm done with my flashblack. I look up to see my mother in law.
I quickly rush to her and say "Hi mother I hope all is well with.."

Shut up!" My mother in law interrupts me.
"Don't get your hopes high. Because as soon as you get married. I'm going to get somebody better for my son. The only reason I let him marry you was because as soon as you get married. He will find out there is bettrt than you."
I put my head down in shame.
"Look at you. Can't even keep your head up. I'm going to find somebody better than you for my son. Somebody of our culture and class. You dirty poor girl with no parents or relative. Even your sister didn't come to your own wedding becauae she don't want be embarrassed." She then leaves but not before slamming the door behind her.
I look at myself in the mirror and say "I am worthy of him. If I wasn't, he wouldn't marry me. Don't listen to them. Just stay true to yourself and remeber 'You have to go through the darkness in order to see the light' I went all through my darkness and saw that my light was you Abdullah . That you was who I was waiting for my whole life.I'm going to win your family over. Then we could live happily ever after. Then we could truly be happy.
I heard a knock on my door. I said "Come in."
I see a lady and she says "Miss the wedding ceremony is about to start. Let me escort you."
"Thank you."
As i'm walking to see my soon to be husband. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I'm finally getting married to the love of my life. All the obstacles we went wasn't for nothing. Then when we get there. My eyes meet up with my husband beautiful eyes. Then everything stopped. It seemed like it was just me and him. As i'm walking down the aisle. All i could think is. Wow! Allah does work in mystetious ways because I never thought this would happen to me. I found somebody who love me wholeheartedly. Then that's when the watrtworks start to him. I'm not crying tears of sadness . I'm crying tears of happiness. When I stopped in front him.
He wiped my tears and whispered"You look beautiful. And I can't wait for you to officially become my wife. I love you so much. Can't wait for the honeymoon."
After the imam said our prayers and we signed our marriage contracts.
We went to celebrate. It was the best time of my life. I wished my sister was here to spend this joyous event with me. Despite my mother-in-law and sister-in-law giving me ugly stares. I was having the best time of my life. After the wedding was finished. My husband and I answer the car to go to our honeymoon. I wonder where we was going. I will be content as long we were together. After that I took a short nap.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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