Chapter 3

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•~~~ Weston's P.O.V. ~~~•

After I manipulated everyone's thoughts yesterday, I had spent the next day with Annabeth. Before hand, so she would start to have feelings for me, I had manipulated her longing for someone to help her. Once that had been done I had walked around the camp with her. I had started holding her hand and she gratefully accepted.

After a while of us walking around and talking to each other we sat on Zeus' fist. I then leaned in to gently kiss her. At first she was just sitting there surprised and she began to pull away, so I manipulated her mind into thinking of the love she has when she kisses Percy. Her eyes fogged over and then she started kissing me back. We pulled apart and she seemed confused. I hugged her and left before she could process and realize what had just transpired.

Every time I use my power to this extent I get horribly sick and fatigued. I decided I would follow Percy when he left his cabin no matter the state I was in.

•~~~ Percy's P.O.V. ~~~•

After a while Annabeth had come to my cabin and ended our relationship. She had broken me. However, after staying in my cabin for about 3 weeks, I decided I was done wallowing in self pity. I got up and kept myself from thinking about Annabeth. I went to my bathroom, took a shower and brushed my teeth. After that I walked into my room, got dressed and headed out to the dining pavilion. While walking there everyone said rude comments under their breathe and looked at me with disgust. I was really confused, but when I saw all the seven except Annabeth I perked up a bit.

I walked over to them, "Hey guys." They all turned to me and saw my current state. Instead of showing me pity they all greeted me acting like I hadn't been rejected. I was really grateful for that. I looked at Leo who walked up with his hot stuff get-up on. We all laughed. Everyone but Jason seemed to suddenly get blank expressions and foggy eyes before they all started acting weirdly.

Piper scooted away from me while Frank looked at me with a look of disgust. I thought they were just angry so I got up to leave. As I got up Leo tripped me and Hazel's spoon flew up and hit me in the head. "What the heck? Why'd you guys do that?" When I looked back angry they all glared at me, all but Jason. You could tell he was outraged. "Guys you know what Percy just went through?! You know how hard this is for him! What is wrong with you?!"

He got up from the table and left everyone there. He put his arm around my shoulder and stormed off, dragging me along. He had pulled me all the way to his surprisingly deserted cabin. "I don't know what's up with everyone they al-" Jason cut me off by saying, "Don't worry about them man. They're probably just having an off day." I would've believed him but I heard the doubt in his voice.

I put my head in my hands and Jason lightly hit my back reassuring me. I looked up at him and said, "I'm gonna head out and take a little break at the beach. Alone, if that's ok." He nodded and I got up and left.

While walking to the beach I saw a couple hand and hand and remembered when Annabeth and I were like that. I face palmed and murmured to myself to forget about her. When I got to the beach I had Annabeth's ring in my hand. I know I shouldn't think about this but I couldn't help it. She was my world, she was everything to me.

I couldn't help it, I started crying right then and there. The sea seemed to darken with my emotion. I heard footsteps behind me and saw her and Weston further down the beach. They were hand in hand, they were the couple I saw earlier.

I just sat there waiting for them to reach me. When they did, Annabeth looked confused and reached her hand out to touch my face. Just as she was about to I abruptly stood. She seemed upset until she got a blank expression, and suddenly grinned deviously before turning and kissing Weston. In that moment I truly broke.

I wiped my tears away and looked at her dead set on what I was going to do. I laughed darkly before telling her, "You know I was a fool." She looked at me with mock concern saying, "Why do you say that Percy?"

I took the ring and threw it onto the ground and started yelling at her with fresh tears in my eyes, "Because I believed no matter what shows on the outside that people were good at heart. That if I remained loyal I could save everyone. Even know I want to forgive you and try to work things out, but I'm done trying. I'm done with this life."

I pointed at Weston and said, "You. You also caused this. You were like a brother to me and then you started giving me a bad feeling. I see why now." I punched him in the face and started walking to Halfblood hill leaving everything behind. The earth rumbled with every step I took toward the border.

I started to my home. I wanted to see my mom, step-dad and little brother Levin. I trekked all the way there with the ground splintering under my every step. Most of the monsters steered clear of me and those who didn't are now ash.

When I reached my mom's apartment building I saw that her floor had a huge chunk taken out of the corner. There was fire spewing out of the scene, with the police and fire department blocking it off.

My heart stopped. Something clicked within me and I felt myself dissipate and reform at her apartment door. I looked at my hand in surprised before walking into the apartment and felt I had died inside. They were all dead. My family was lying on the ground with

I was grabbed on the shoulder and spun around to face my father. I was surprised he was here, "Dad they're... They're gone. I can't-" He looked up with malice in his eyes. "Your a monster. You little brat. I can't believe I ever claimed you to be my favorite."

I realized what he was implying and knew I couldn't handle anymore. I looked at my father with anguish before turning around and walking out of the hole in the wall and began my free fall. As I was about to reach the ground someone appeared and caught me. I looked at the figure and saw it was Hestia. She looked at me with pained eyed as she put me down.

"Percy why did you try to kill yourself...?" I looked into her concerned eyes and couldn't hold it in any longer, I let go. I screamed in anguish and the ground shook and split around me while a hurricane formed encasing me. I took all of my pain, suffering and heartache and turned it into raw power.

I kept screamed and crying until a soft hand touched my face. It was the goddess of the hearth yet again. I finally reached the limit of my powers as the earthquake stopped and the hurricane slowly dissipated.

When I began to fall to the ground from exhaustion Hestia grabbed me and supported me. I was staring at her as she flashed me to Olympus. When we reached the palace of the gods I blacked out.


Hope you all enjoyed it! It took me a while to write it. It has 1311 words! And I typed it all on my phone <\3

Have a DAMtastic day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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