Episode 1~ Part 5: The Investigation

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You, along with a lot of people, went to investigate in Sohinki's room to where her body was.
"It looks like this knife was from the kitchen." Lapis said as she looked closer at Sohinki's right wrist with the knife jabbed into it.
"This tape looks like it was from the storage room." Lila pointed out as she looked closer to where the tape was covering her mouth.
"Her stomach also looks like it was stabbed a couple of times." Corrin also pointed out.
So lets see.... some of the stuff that was used in the crime were from the storage room and the kitchen.
"I may go down to the storage room, to see if there are any clues that may lead to someone." Lapis said as she left the room.
"Yeah, yeah. You do that. I'll look somewhere else for clues. What about you, Lila?"
"Um, sure." She answered as she left Sohinki's room, you and Corrin follow. While you guys were in the hallway, you seem to notice something strange about Lila. She was looking down at the floor, kind of depressed.
This is probably something about Sohinki.
"Hey, Lila. Are you doing alright?" You walk up and ask her.
"Um, yeah. It's just..." Lila began. She took a deep breathe, then continued.
"Sohinki was to nice to die! Especially first! I even checked on her last night to talk to her, and ask if she felt any better from the whole 'forcing to kill' kind of game. Then when I wake up, she is gone." Lila started crying. You gave her a hug, to help her feel better. She then hugged back at full force.
"T-T-Thank you..." She lets go and wipes off her tears. "(Y/N), I don't know what I would do without you."
"Come on now, Lila." Corrin signaled us to follow her.
"Let's search for some more stuff."
Lila and you nodd, but then you notice something on the floor beneath your feet.
What's this? A letter?
You pick it up and read it.
It wrote~
Please come to my room. I'm really scared and worried! Your a nice, strong and confident man. I was wondering if you could maybe help me feel better. I'm so alone and scared!
~ Sohinki Bonni
More clues, you thought. But what can this lead to?
"I see you have noticed that as well." You turn and see Ryu, walking up to you.
"A mysterious note from the victim, hm? Nice, strong, and confidant man. Sad that she wasn't describing me."
"Probably not." You joked, then immediately say, "Just kidding, I didn't really mean that!"
Strong, Nice, and Confident. Who could this letter be describing?
"Well, whoever received that letter had to be the killer, right?" Ryu questioned. "I mean, who else?"
You walk into the kitchen. The place where the knife that was used, was from.
The only people you see are Zoma, and Haren walking out.
"Hey, where are you going?" You ask Haren.
"Oh! I just came to grab something to eat." He answered back.
"Your not even going to investigate?"
"Nah. At least not in here. Lila said to all of us that we most likely wouldn't find much in here, since we all know that the kitchen knife was what was used." He then was into the hallway. You glance over at Zoma. He just shrugged. He sighed, then went and followed Haren.
Not finding much? Hmmm....
You look over by the knives, and see a tray of knives. But one looked much more different then the others. The biggest knife that was there didn't look like it was from the kitchen.
If that knife isn't from the kitchen, then where could have it been from?
There was only one place.
The storage room, down in the basement.
You ran out of the kitchen, into the hallway, and down the stairs, into the storage room.
You see Brody, Elizabeth, Wacon, Elesa, Peyo and Cultivar down there as well.
"Hey guys. If you were noticing a missing knife from down here, it's in the kitchen where the former kitchen knife was.
"This white sheet... it's full of pink blood stains! Gross!" Cultivar pushed it away from them.
"Cultivar, you just found a important clue." Elizabeth claimed.
"Well now, I am not seeing much else here. Is anyone else having more luck then I am?" Brody asked everyone. You and everyone else shook your heads.
All 14 of you guys were now outside. Most were shaking, had no expression on there faces, or just didn't know how to feel. You, were very nervous. You don't know who this type of evidence lead to. Maybe the others have found some stuff that you have missed.
"Hey, Darci! You were the only one that didn't investigate!" Peyo glared at Darci. "Explain!"
"If you want my opinion, I don't give a crap Sohinki died. Plus, I knew you guys could handle things yourself!" She smiled, showing her vampire like teeth.
"Sheesh, what use you are!" Elesa rolled her eyes and sighed. "Anyways, that elevator in front of us must be what takes us to the class trial!"
A huge elevator with silver railings opened the doors, as all fourteen of you got in.
We are all in this together. One of us is hiding something. One of us is who killed Sohinki. We all have our own suspects except for me.
Well, hopefully this trial will help.
The trial where everyone's true colors reveal on there own.
This is it.

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