Chapter 2~ Part 4: Class Trial 2

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"Alright now! You know how this works! You all discuss who the culprit may be with the following clues and the vote decides who dies! And your feelings don't matter!" Monokuma announced!
Everyone was back in the trial room. As everyone got back up onto the panels, there was one thing you have noticed. Frames. Frames on panels. Frames of the people who have died. Lila, Elizabeth and Zoma. You look across from you, and see Lapis struggling to not look at Zoma's frame, that was marked out with Pink blood. You find it very hard to look at as well.
"Now, let's first discuss what was used as the weapon like always!" Corrin started the conversation.
"That's kind of difficult to come up with, since no weapons were found at the scene of the crime." Peyo replied.
"Then maybe there was no weapon? Maybe the killer just knocked him out and that was that?" Darci tried to analyze.
"No, that's not right!" You yell. Everyone was staring at you.
"Well, I believe there was obviously a weapon that was involved in the crime." You tell Darci. "Has anyone noticed the marks on Zoma's neck?"
"Actually. Yes, we have." Haren answered. "His neck was all covered with uncertain marks. I don't know where they came from though."
"Did the killer cut his neck or something?" Elesa asked.
"I don't think that those were cut marks. They sure didn't look like them." Haren said.
"Maybe he was strangled?" Corrin asked as well.
"I agree with that!" You shout out.
"It would make since as well, because I found some evidence in the library. A cord that looked like it was yanked off of something."
"Perhaps the curtains, I assume." Brody agreed.
"Well now, I guess it all must depend who was the last one in the library."
"I know who!" Peyo explained. Everyone looked directly at him weirdly.
"The killer had to have been the last person in the library. Isn't that right, Lapis?"
Lapis gave him wide eyes of pure shock. "M-Me!? I would never kill anyone! Especially Zoma!"
"You were the last one in the library," Haren spoke. "Unless you have evidence proving it wasn't you, then you are a huge suspect in this case."
Lapis just starred at Haren. Haren and Peyo. Everyone else wanted to say something, including you, but Lapis is usually a person that can take care of herself.
I don't want to believe that Lapis was the killer, but is there any evidence to prove it?
Lapis's eyes darkened.
"There IS more then enough evidence, you clods." Lapis's voice also darkened, with pure seriousness.
"Was I in the library? Yes. But I certainly noticed another person in there. I could not make up who it was, however I saw them pull onto the cord."
"Really? That's it?" Wacon asked her. "Is there anything else?"
"Also, why would I get stuff from the library just to kill someone in the boys bathroom, when the boys bathroom already has supplies to kill in there? Infact, why would I go into the guys bathroom at all? I'm not a pervert you know."
You think much more clear about this.
"One more thing." She was beginning to finish. "Think about the time I went into the library, to the time Zoma was killed. There are a little far apart."
"Lapis came back around 20 minutes before Zoma was killed." Corrin notified. "Surely, she would have been wet since the boys bathroom would have been flooded, and also covered with blood. If she had already killed Zoma, she would have came back later, or had any evidence on her. I don't think Lapis was the one that did it."
"I don't believe so either." Brody joined in with Corrin.
"The cord did not look like it would have been a weapon anyways."
"W-what are you talking about? Of course it had to have been!" Darci finally began to speak.
"No. It couldn't have been. The cord was not wet, nor full of blood. And also, I have noticed something else about the cord." Brody said. "I looked over the cord for a little bit, and noticed something. If it was used to strangle Zoma, I would believe the cord would have been messed up, having stretch marks everywhere. But it didn't. It was only yanked."
"But then if the cord wasn't used as the weapon, then what COULD have it been used for?"
"Wait! We are going to far about this when Lapis gave something important for us to discuss!" You say.
"Lapis, can you repeat what you told us, about the person you saw in the library?"
"Why, yes. I could not tell who they were, cause they were at the other side of the book shelf, however I noticed them walking towards me, along with the cord as I sat down on the table in there, reading. Once I noticed them, got up from my seat, and tried to run away. I could hear their footsteps and breathe right behind me, but then I heard a whistle from the other side of the room. I didn't stop running, but I noticed the person who chased me did. I also noticed they have dropped the cord as I finally turned around when the person was gone."
"I think there are two explanations of this." You say and then began thinking about it.
"Either the killer was plotting to frame you, or they were plotting to kill you!"
"Yes. I could tell they wanted to kill me. That is why I got back into the room, when I finally calmed down. Also, that whistle... I think I recognize it from somewhere..."
"It might have been Zoma, signaling the killer the stop chasing you," Elesa said. "After all, Zoma obviously did have a crush on you!" She smirked.
"Yes, I believed so as well." Lapis slightly blushed.
"But MY question is," Ryu began speaking. "If the cord in the library wasn't used as the weapon, that what DID the killer used?"
"I do apologize for making such a late entrance again, however I have been listening for awhile and I think I know who the killer was." Cultivar spoke.
"I know who it was as well. He is even trying to hide the evidence." Lapis said once again.
"Who was it, you guys?"  You ask.
"Well, the killer could have also used clothing to choke Zoma, don't you think? Well once I noticed that the cord wasn't used as the weapon, he automatically became a suspect. Cultivar smirked.
"Also, he knew who was killed when he wasn't even one of the people who found Zoma's body." Lapis said as well.
Who are they talking about?
I should know.
Cultivar and Lapis are talking about the same person I can tell.
But who?
Clothing as a weapon.....
They knew who was killed, when they weren't even told who was killed?
You must have done it.
"PEYO KARZAI!" You shout across the room.
Peyo gave you a weird look.
"M-Me? You all must be crazy!"
"No. They aren't!" Corrin spoke out. "I've been watching you for awhile, and I think you brought up that library thing to get us all on the wrong track, and frame Lapis. Isn't that right? Peyo?"
"N-No! I just b-brought up that so we can get on the RIGHT track! Lapis had to have done it!"
"I dunno. Lapis, Cultivar, Corrin and Darci all do suspect you," Elesa said. "And in all honesty, I'm starting to believe so as well."
"Same here. Has anyone else noticed Peyo's scarf?" Brody asked.
"Yes. I have. And it is the main reason why I suspect him." Ryu joined in. "His scarf usually has it's ends tucked in, but this time, his scarf's ends are stuck out! Peyo, have you had any explanation?"
"MAYBE that is just an coincidence!" Peyo explained.
"W-What about Lapis!? Her being in the library! That wasn't an coincidence!"
"Hey, Peyo." Haren asked. "You said you were going into the library when we were in the other room together. About 30 minutes before Zoma was killed!"
"Lapis left 20 minutes before Zoma was killed." Corrin said. "Haren, when did Peyo come back to where you guys were?"
"Around 2 minutes before Monokuma announced there was a body found!"
"Not to mention, your scarf is a lil messed up." Wacon told Peyo.
"I can prove it with this, Peyo!" You say.
"If you really were not the killer, then how did you know Zoma was killed if you didn't find his body along with us?" You ask him.
"UMMMMMMMMMMMMM, someone told me?" Peyo nervously answered. 
"I never said who was killed." Haren said. The others shook their heads as well.
"Well...WELL... L-lucky guess?" Peyo paused for a moment. Then he finally yelled in tears.
"OKAY, FINE! IT WAS ME! I WAS THE ONE WHO TRIED TO KILL LAPIS! BUT ZOMA SIGNALLED ME TO GET AWAY FROM HER! THEN HE PUSHED ME INTO THE BOY'S BATHROOM THREATENING TO KILL ME! I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO STRANGLE HIM WITH MY SCARF AND BASH HIS HEAD INTO THE SINK!" Peyo took a deep breathe, then gave everyone a wild, psychotic grin, glaring straight at Lapis. "He. Saved. You...." he slowly spoke to her. Lapis froze. "But now, he is not here. To save you. I could kill you right now...." He ran off of his platform, and went up to Lapis, taking off his scarf, threatening to strangle her. However, Lapis pushed him off, punching him straight in the face.
"Now, Now. I will NOT tolerate physical fighting!" Monokuma announced.
Peyo got up, glaring at Lapis.
"I knew there was something wrong with you." Lapis spoke. "Ever since the day I saw you. You are a crazy man, Mr. Karzai!"
"You see!? That's why I tried to murder you! You are the biggest threat here! If I killed you when I had the chance, this will all be MUCH more easier to get away with! My biggest concern here wasn't to get out of here! No. My biggest concern here was getting rid of you. It has always been. Until Zoma stepped in and saved you."
Lapis just kept frozen, until Peyo got up in front of her, grabbing her chin, forcing Lapis to look at him.
"And I don't have to worry about you all voting for me to get executed, Because like Monokuma said, I can't get exacuted."

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