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Hi again. It is now summer so I hope you like BBQ.
(New people: Lana, Alex, and Matthew)

W: Hey, how's your summer going?

L: we been spending almost ever day together!

W: I know but I haven't seen you since last night at 6.

S & A: hey

W & L: hey

W: you know what we should do today!

S: what? *rolling her eyes*

W: we should have a BBQ party, a pool party!

A: that sounds good.

L: yay!

M: what you guys talking about?

W: we are having a BBQ party!

M: Cool.

W: Ok, let's go get the ingredients and we will meet at the area next to the pool.

(Hours later at night close to sunset)

W: hi

L & A & S& M: hi!

W: Ok, I got the boat people to let us use their grills so each have one. Then we can try each other's.

L: ok let's cook!

(About 30 minutes later)

S: Ok, everyone finish?

M: yea

W: let's present out dishes!

A: who's going first?

W: you are since you ask!

A: fine. I made barbecue sauce chicken and bacon.

M: I made honey cheerio ribs

L: I made steak, chicken lettuce wrap with drizzle of melted cheese.

S: I made honey ribs and beef

W: ok my turn!
I made chicken, cheese wrap with drips of honey.
Sausage and steak lettuce wrap with BBQ sauce.
And bacon crips with drizzle of ice cream.

(One by one we had tasted each of your in order creations. Winnie goes last)

( first up was the chicken cheese with honey)
*everyone take a bite*

S: hey for once your creation tastes fine!

W: thanks you so much!

( second was the SSL wrap)

A: I really like this!

M: me too it's so meaty!

S: boys are so boys!

L: I like it also but I like the one before better!

(Third up the bacon ice cream)
* everybody like the foods before dig in and took a big bite*

S: something is inching in my mouth!
*spits it out*

L: China, what did you put in it?
* puking it in a napkin*

A: it's not that bad! I just swallow it.

W: thanks you someone likes my creations!

M: what was in that!
* gulping water to get rid of the slime feel.

W: take a guess!

S: did you put live octopus in it or something?

A: is it squid?

M: I don't wanna know!

W: what do you think Alex?

A: I don't know, it not bad though, it just feels slimy.

L & S: how can you eat it when it is so slimy!

W: it was only gummy worms + clear wash seagrass + boba + oysters + sashimi + octopus + squid + durian + and some taste lychee.

A: see it's all edible food!

L & S: you two are weird.

M: I said to not tell me, now it's even more weird!

A & W: You guys don't like it we have it all, you guys don't any of our food!

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