Poop and chocolate

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W: do you think this is poop or chocolate

S: Uh...choop or pocolate!

W: what the hell!

S: Language!

w: whatever, hey you want this cupcake!

S: Depends, is it poop or chocolate?

W: it chocolate, I think

S: You THINK? Well then...I don't want it.

W: come on just try it

S: Really? What if it's poop?

W: then if it is just choke it back out

S: Just choke it back out? Then I would have already tasted it!

W: then just swallow without chewing

S: Wow, make it sound so simple. Just swallow it? No way, I'm gonna throw up!

W: so throwing up would do you any wrong. Fine then taste this on then

S: You're gonna try it?

W: sure after you!

S: No, we're gonna try it together! Ugh! Where did you even get this cupcake anyway?

W: Fine, here is your and this is mine

S: *sighs* Let's do this.

W: oh, yea one is poop, * bit in to my cupcake* see it's just chocolate

S: Wait, what? *says with mouth already filled with a possible poop flavored cupcake*

W: ahahaahahahaahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahha

S: You are so getting pay back for this! *spits the cupcake out*

W: *run* bye people see you next time, if I am still alive

S: Yeah, IF! Bye guys! *runs after*

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