One Last Thought to the Past

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A/N: Smut filled chapter, if you don't want to read it you can skip to the 39th paragraph. This is going to be the last chapter of this book, but the ending is going to suck, again (sorry!), but I am going to start working on the third, and final, book today. I should have several chapters up before I fall asleep tonight. I might be able to work, a little, on the third book on Wednesday afternoon and maybe Thursday morningish. Friday might be doable and I would love to have the third book completed by that time. I have some ideas and might, briefly, make the book a crossover with another series. After all, what town is out there that has magic but does not use it? Could it possibly be a small town in Maine? I've had that idea FOREVER and have done nothing with it, so it will most likely get put to use.  

She had so many memories, it was near impossible to sort out. She had lived so many lives and lost her beloved so many times. He had betrayed her and loved her, saved her and been her down fall, and she had to stop the cycle. She would always return to him, he was her beloved no matter the deeds he had done, but she wanted a fuller life. She remembered one of the first times she had met him after she became mortal. She had lived within a small kingdom ruled over by her uncle, the king. Even at the time he was known as the Goblin King, though for a time he wore a human skin.

At that time Sarah had not had so many memories crowding within her mind, she had remembered the time she was known as the goddess Aine, she who protected dreamers and ruled as the sun. During her early lives, she had known what she had once been and she had known that Jareth could not remember. He still did not, for that information belonged to the knowledge she had sealed. She remembered how shocked she had first been when he called her human, it had taken her some time to get used to the thought of not being immortal.

"As I once stated you humans go around hiding behind a mask, your society demands you go against instinct. That you be proper and keep hands to yourself, that you listen to half crazed elders and ignore what you want. But, my little Yara, instincts save animals in the wild." Jareth was far to close to her for comfort, she could see the blue flecks in his green eye and green flecks in his blue eye.

He made to move even closer and she put up a hand to stop him, only to find her palm being laid against the exposed flesh of his chest. Blushing like a school girl, Yara attempted to rip her hand away, but before she could Jareth captured it under his own. "

Fae society is based ON instinct, and believe me, Yara-mine, I intend to touch-and do much more." Jareth stated as he quickly captured her lips with his own. Her breath was stolen as Jareth drew her closer to him and their bodies pressed against each other. He leaned into her, and Yara could not move. She had no other place to run to, no safe haven to be had. And even if she did would she truly want to?

As if sensing her indecisive thoughts, Jareth bit her lip hard enough to draw blood and cause her to focus on the matter at hand.

Jareth revealed at her taste, and at the fact that he was the first to kiss her...the first to do so many wonderfully wicked things to her. Yara felt his gloved hands slide under her shirt, but she made no move to push him away. Jareth rolled his hips against hers causing her to let out a low moan from the back of her throat.

She jumped as if shocked at the sound, and Jareth laughed at her in amusement. Yara attempted to pull away but Jareth held fast and refused to release her. Instead his fingers brushed against the fabric of her underdress, and he decided that it was best if the unfortunate fabric went. Before Yara could struggle against him, she found herself pressed against a labyrinth wall, her underdress missing, and Jareth rolling his hips against hers.

How the hell was she supposed to think with him doing THAT?

Her hands tangled in his hair as her resolve broke and she deepened the kiss. Jareth's wandering hands paused long enough lift her legs around his waist; then he returned to the delightful discovery of his Lady. Yara moved against him until he let out a possessive growl and his hands tightened around her hips and bit into her skin.

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