Chapter Two: You Bipolar bitch!

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Jacob POV

I was in my room, studying.

I got a braille book to use so i'm able to read it. There was a knock at my door.

"Who's there?" I asked grabbing my cane and walking to the door and opening it.

"It's me Perez," My eyes went wide. CHRESANTO!

"I wanted to talk with you.."

"N-No," I stuttered. "Stay away from me!" I held up my cane getting ready to fight with it but Roc grabbed it.

"Really, I want to talk," he sighed. "I'm sorry about before."

Was he......apologizing? 0_0

"Why should I accept your sorry?" I asked.

"Cause I really am."

"Well.....OK." I just might regret that.

"Thanks, and hey, maybe we could be friends?"

I would like to be more then friends but OK.


"I got his cane!" I heard someone yell, someone was in here!

"HEY!" I yelled. Why do these fuckers want with my cane?!

"lol you bitch," Roc laughed. "You thought that I would want to be friends with you? ha! your so dumb! we just like fucking with you."

I knew I shouldn't have let him in! I felt my way around the room to catch one of them.

"STOP! THAT'S MY CANE I NEED IT!" I yelled at them. But they were far away from me, and now, I was bumping into walls. I was in tears and totally helpless.

"PLEASE!" I cried. "Please..."


I heard someone else, it was a bit unfamiliar though.

"He said give his cane back, so I suggest you fuckers do that!"

"And if we don't?" one said.


"Next thing I know I heard yells and screams I was so scared I didn't know what was going on.

"Here you go." I heard him say, handing me my cane. I got up on my feet and thanks the man.


"Don't mention"

"Jacob." I smiled. "Jacob Perez."

"I'm Anthony," he said. I could sense that he was smiling. God, I wish I could see.

"Anthony Chavez."



Jacob's mine you heard? MINES! I felt angry and jealous seeing Jacob talking and smiling with that guy. That should be me, not him.

"So what now?" of my boys named Ray asked.

"Yeah, we still fuck with him?" asked Prodigy who was another.

I shrugged.

"Idk, I guess...yeah."

Me, being 22, I know I have to have more sense then this but I can't help myself I still feel as if I'm a teen still in High School. I walked off with my boys looking back on Jacob and that Anthony kid. Something don't seem right with me about him, I just don't like him being around my man.....I know he's not my man but he will time he will....

Jacob POV

Anthony's really cute......I guess? his personality and his voice are just beautiful and I bet he is too.

"So what your majoring in?" he asked.

"Oh, I liked to become a writer or  to do Art and things like that."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Yeah, writing's my passion, can't see me doing nothing else."

"I like your style," he said and I blushed.


"So you gotta girl?"

"Oh, no you see....I'm gay."

"Really? me too!"

"You are?!" I gasped. finally, another gay like me.

"Listen....if you not doing anything.....would you wanna go out with me?"

"Oh, of course I would."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow."


I was so hype! I gotta date, 21 years later and I finally gotta date! :) I walked back to my dorn with a big bright smile on my face....

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