Chapter Four:No Longer The Bad Guy

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I was depressed since I was suppose to be on a date last night with Anthony. Now, I can't focus in my classes and I haven't been sleeping well. The boys still bother me like always and all and I have not yet 'seen' Anthony since.

Roc, on the other hand, has been acting weird lately. I can feel him when he looks at me in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. I know I can't see him look at me but I can feel it. He doesn't bully me as much as he used to. His gang, Ray and Prod, don't seem to care about my feelings. They taunt me everyday, saying things like.

"It must suck to see darkness everywhere you go.."

And my favorite.....

"Your gonna die alone in the darkness! no one loves you!"

Honestly, I think that one hurt the most and made me think that I'll never be able to see! ever again. I was in my dorm room, crying to myself thinking if I should just end it all.

I should kill myself.

I looked over and felt my hand around and felt a bottle that sounded like pills that I kept that I think someone left behind, I didn't care what it does to me, I wanna one loves me anyway. I opened the bottle and popped two....maybe four five pills in my mouth at once and swallowed them whole. 

Next thing I knew I blacked out......


"C'mon Roc," Ray said nudging me in my arm. "It'll be fun!"

"Yeah," agreed Prodigy. "I like seeing this guy in pain."

"I don't know," I sighed. "I mean, haven't we done enough to him?"

Ray and Prod both laughed.

"You serious nigga," Ray laughed. "Enough is never enough for me."

"Same here," Prod said. "It's funny when he cries 'HELP, PLEASE, STOP! I NEED MY CANE, I CAN'T SEE!"


I really wanted to punch Prod right then and there. It's not funny to make fun of someone who's in this type of condition.

"It's not that funny you guys." I said.

"You've gone soft man." Ray said shaking his head. I loved Jacob, and I don't want him getting hurt anymore! That's right, I wanna confess my love to him.

"I'm out y'all." I said and headed for Jacob's room. It was awfully quiet in there.....alittle too quiet.

"Jacob?" I called.

No answer.

I started to panic, I banged on the door once more and still nothing.

"JACOB!" I yelled. "ARE YOU OK?"

Still nothing...

I busted open the door to find Jacob lying on the ground. Quickly, I grabbed him in my arms and called the ambulance. I hope my baby's OK, yes, I said MY BABY!


It's been a whole freaking 2 hours since they had to pump all them pills out his stomach. A nurse finally said I can come in and see him. When I went inside, he was watching Spongebob. . . .well i guess listening to it Ha, the kid.

"Jacob?" I called out to him. He looked over to follow my voice and then his face read fear all over it

"What are you doing here?" he asked with attitude. He didn't look at me since he didn't know where in the room I was he just stared across from where he was in bed.

"I brought you here," I said. walking in. "I saw you on the floor."

"Why?" he asked.

"I wanted to help you."

"Since when you wanna help me?" he snapped. "You always seem to mess with me when ever you please, you should've left me to die!"

"Well I wasn't gonna do that!" I yelled.

"You hate me, so why would you wanna save me?"

"I....I um...."


"I...........Ilikeyou." I said fast.




"Ugh! I like you! OK? I like- no...I LOVE you Jacob. From the first time I saw you, I felt bad for you since you can't see, I bully you cause it's make me feel closer to you."

He stared at the wall, deep in thought.

" me?" he asked in such the cutest way! ^____^

"Yeah,  and I mean that."

"Well to bad!" he said. "I'm not buying it."

"Jacob please-"


"Let me take you somewhere." I said. "You like to eat right?"

His stomach growled when I said that and his cheek flushed with red. I smirked.


"Shut up!"

"So can I please take you out?"

".........Let me think about it." he mumbled. He know he wants to.

"OK, I'll give you all the time you need."

A nurse walked in saying that Jacob could go home now, perfect! I could take him back to his dorm room.

"Can you take me home please?" he asked.

"I'd be happy to."

"Don't get happy with this." I laughed. We finally reached 'University of L.A.' and walked to Jacob's dorm. 

"OK were here." I said.

Jacob moved his cane around and and nodded. He mumbled a 'thanks' and walked in.

"How you feeling?" I asked walking in.

"I feel like I'm the lowest of the low." he sighed.

"Don't feel that way," I put arm around him. "People just don't know what your going through."

"Oh and you do?" he asked. 

-_- gee, I'm trying to be nice.

"Look, I'm sorry," he said. "It's just that being a kid, when I was able to see, I wanna re-live that life again."

At this point Jacob was in tears, I wiped them for him and looked into his eyes. He looked back at me as if he could see me.

"Your beautiful," he said feeling my face. "And have a cute nose." he giggled. I like that.

"And your beautiful too." I said. He blushed,so cute. "Really? am I?"

"Of course," he said with a smiled. "Wish you could see yourself....your sexy."

"Sexy???? that's new." 

I laughed.

"So have you decided if I could take you out?" I asked hopefully. He smiled and said..

"Yes, I'll take that offer."

"Yes!" I cheered giving him a little kiss in the cheek. "You will not regret this."

"I hope so." he said.


I watched the two from a window, this nigga think he can still my man? we'll see about that. I got my eye on them and especially Jacob. He's mines! I know I stood him up and all but I want him as my bitch! I want a sex slave and I'm getting one....rather Roc likes it or not..... 

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