Chapter Three: My Big Date- wait what?!

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Jacob POV

I was so excited! ^_____^

The big day was here, I got dressed in my clothes and waited till it was time for Anthony to come and get me. I wish I can see myself in the mirror, people tell me I'm quite sexy ;) but I wish I could take a look for myself.

6:00 PM

In just an hour I'm going to have my very first date! Yup, my first in 21 years.

6:30 PM

In just 30 more minutes I'm gonna know what if feels like to have a date.

8:00 PM 

Where is he? he said 7:00 he stood me up! how could he?! I started crying, I'm a very sensitive person, so it's easy to get my feelings hurt. He said he wanted to take me out and he stands me up like this?! smh...I knew no one wants me. I was just about to get undressed when there was a knock on my door. 

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Roc." I sighed. What does he want now?!

I opened the door and there he stood...I think.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Ha, no show huh?" he asked walking in.

"Who said you could come in?"

"I did."


He sat on the bed cause I heard it squeak. I folded my arms and stared at him. I kina had a feeling of where he was.

"Was there something you wanted?"

"Not really," he shrugged. "Just so see how you were doing."

0_0....since when does he care? he just ditched me for those asses he calls friends.

"I'm fine," I said. "Now leave!"

"You can't make me," he laughed. "I can stay here all night if I wanted to."

I heard my cell buzzed, a message. I went to grab for it since I know it's always by my bed but Roc grabbed it.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled.

".......' Sorry, couldn't make it. I'll make it up to you soon :('......Anthony' "

I sighed. Why would he promise and then ditch me like this? I have my outfit going on and everything.

"So I guess you're dateless.." he laughed.

"Fuck you," I said.

"DF you say?" I felt him in my face cause I felt his warm minty breath on me Mmm- wait now Jacob calm down, calm down.

"N-Nothing." I stuttered. I was scared, didn't know what he was gonna do.

"Yeah, thought so," he snapped, making me jump. "Don't make me beat the shit out of you next time."

And with that, he left. I sighed and went into bed and thought about what just happened.

The cancel of the date......Roc laughing in my face and threatening me....and me being forever alone...again :(

"Some good will come," I whispered to myself. "Some good will come." 

Anthony POV

Look, I know yeah I'm mean for skipping the date with Jacob but  I don't give a fuck! he's just one of those people where you can mess with his head. Being that he can't see is a big laugh for me, he can't see what things people could do to him. Think I'm being mean? well, fuck you! I do what I want and right now, I want to see Jacob unhappy forever...


OK I know I did him wrong again! but he makes it so hard! that face ugh! that smile and that skin. I wanna make him mine so bad, but I can't ruin my rep. What will the guys say? they'll probably ditch me for some other nigger. I was walking to my dorm when I saw Anthony.

"Hey, you!" I called out to him. "What's your deal standing up Jacob like that?"

He just smirked at me.

"Man, I don't care about that little bitch nigga, I like seeing him in pain. It's not like he can do anything, being that he can't see shit!"

Wrong choice of words.

I banged him ino the wall in clenched my fist getting ready to punch him, no one talk about Jacob....NO ONE

"If you ever try some shit with Jacob....I'll kill you."

"Lol it's that a threat?" he asked.

"No," I said. I let him go and heading for my room. I looked back at him giving him a look.

"It's a promise."

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