Chapter VI - Athena's antisocial! Huzzah!

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"Who is Vetika?" Ares asked.

"Why is Vetika back? I thought she would take at least another hundred years to reform!" Athena muttered to herself.

"Athena." Ares tried, to no avail. The goddess kept pacing and muttering.

"Why now? How did she even get on Olympus?"

"Athena!" Ares tried, getting more angry.

"Shouldn't Artemis have killed her? How could she even best Ares and Perseu-"

"ATHENA!!!" Ares roared, snapping the grey-eyed goddess out of her daze.

"WHAT?!" Athena snapped.

"Who. Is. Vetika?!" He gritted out.

"Not now, I'm calling a meeting!" Athena said, grabbing Ares and Perseus, before flashing to the Throne Room. They took their seats.

Apollo was stumped, left at the arena. What just happened? He wondered, before flashing out as well, to his throne.

Zeus glared at his daughter. "What is it, Athena?"

"Vetika's back! She got into Olympus, managed to beat both Ares and Perseus in combat!" Athena blurted out, her gray eyes showing her internal panic.

This garnered the attention of the elder Olympians. "Who is Vetika?" Perseus asked, irritated.

"Vetika is a-" Hera began, before Zeus cut her off.

"No!" He boomed. "Vetika is off limits!"

"Father, I must know of my prey." Artemis said, gaining support from Ares and Apollo, whom also wished to hunt it.

"Vetika attacked my favorite son, who knows nothing of her to defend himself!" Poseidon hissed.

"Percy has a habit of making friends in the strangest of cases, perhaps he could do the same with Vetika if he knew about her?" Hera suggested.

"If Percy befriends Vetika, then her hope may return." Hestia agreed.

"Fine!" Zeus snarled, giving in.

Athena sighed sadly, as Poseidon began his story-telling. "Long ago, in Ancient Greece." He began...



Vetika once lived in a small village. She was a daughter of Mnemosyne and the first Son of Hecate. She had beautiful golden locks of hair, like that of honey. She had beautiful caramel tanned skin, as if kissed by Apollo's brilliant rays. She had crisp, plump red lips that would make even Ares jealous, and sky blue eyes like pools of crystalline ocean that would put both Poseidon's Oceans and Zeus's Sky to shame. She was beautiful, more so than Helen of Troy. Some had thought she was even more beautiful than Aphrodite!

She was renowned for being a powerful Magic user, even more potent than her father, having been able to somehow, use Godly magics, Titanic Magic and even Primordial Magic! It was fated by the Oracle of Lebadeia herself that she would become as strong, or even stronger than Lady Hecate herself, the Goddess of Magic!

Vetika had often visited the mortal weaver Arachne, and witnessed the conception of the competition between Pallas Athena and Arachne. She had been selected as a judge, along with a Priestess of Athena, Medusa, Medusa's two sisters, and Vetika's father.

Medusa, Stheno, Euryale, Vetika and Vetika's father had all chosen Arachne over the mighty Athena. Enraged, Athena cursed Arachne to become a Spider Centaur, before killing Vetika's father. She had cursed Vetika to become a true Scorpion. Before death, Vetika's Father had pleaded with Mnemosyne, his former lover, and his own mother Hecate, to save Vetika. The Titaness and Goddess heard his pleads and, though they could not remove Athena's curse entirely, were able to lessen it. Vetika became a Scorpion Centaur.

Athena's curse upon the trio later known as the Gorgons was the most ferocious, as she had thought they would vote for her. Medusa's once long and plush red hair was turned into snakes, her soft green eyes into cold and bitter dark gray. Her ivory skin turned much more reptilian, as her legs merged to form a long snake trunk. Her sisters suffered the same fate, as Stheno's long black hair was turned into green vipers and her beautiful onyx eyes turned into fiery embers. Euryale's curly and frizzy brown hair turned into red coral snakes as her brown eyes turned into red garnets. They each had gained a unique ability however.

Medusa had the power to turn those whom had gazed upon her into stone, Stheno had the ability to teleport at will and Euryale could electrocute with her nails, which could extend. All three could shoot energy balls out of their snake hair.

When they had reformed, they had became much more human, bar their hair and eyes. Arachne had also the power to manipulate the earth, while Vetika had gained the ability to manipulate Poisons or create it.

Vetika had become furious with anything to do with Athena, and left. She was a powerful threat and forced deities such as Selene and Helios to fade, permanently. She even managed to force most of the Erotes into fading, except for Eros himself.

Vetika had grown bitter, for she had done nothing truly wrong. She, using ancient incantations, had summoned her fellow monsters from Tartarus. At first it was small and simple, Harpies, Hellhounds, Scythian Dracanae and even some Telekhines. She then took more risks, summoning the fierce Myrmekes, some Cyclopes, Empousai and even a Karkinos! Vetika had gotten even more arrogant, summoning the dreaded Minotaur, Kampe, Echidna and even a Chimera! Vetika had begun her planning, and with her fellow cursed by Athena monsters, began.
Stheno and Euryale would be in charge of training new troops, while Medusa was in charge of the Land Division of monsters, this meant things like Myrmekes, the Nemean Lion, the Chimera, Laistrygonian Giants and Echidna for example.

Arachne dealt with the Ocean Division, governing over Telekhines, Scylla, Charybdis, the Minotaur, the Sirens, Karkinos, Hyperborean Giants, Cyclopes, Polyphemus and even Kampe.

Finally, Vetika herself overtook the Sky Division. Drakons belonged to her, including Aethiopian Drakons, Lydian Drakons as well as Anemoi Thuellai. Her most powerful asset was ancient Sybaris herself.

Lamia and Mormo had become advisors to the wretched Vetika, and aided her in controlling the monsters, bar ancient Sybaris whom was grateful for Vetika awakening her.

Vetika had grown powerful enough in her army that she had dared launch an assault on Olympus in her rage. Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus, Nike and Athena were the only ones present for some reason. After knocking out Demeter and Hestia, Vetika unleashed ancient Sybaris herself, which, in the shock, she had managed to remove Nike, Hades and even very seriously injure Zeus.

The battle was fierce, for Vetika's archaic Magic prevented the Gods from taking their true forms. With a vicious grin, Vetika had banished even Poseidon to the Oceans for three months time.

Medusa charged with her sisters and Arachne, taunting Athena. Together they managed to subdue Athena, as Vetika unexpectedly called a retreat after almost knocking Zeus out.

The very fact that a monster that was not born from a Primordial, was capable of striking down Hearth, Agriculture, Marriage, Hell, Ocean, Sky, Victory and Wisdom without godly aid was unheard of.

Zeus decreed it never be spoken of again, and Vetika wiped from all text-books.

Vetika was but a new monster then.

"You... You self centered bastard!!" Percy exploded in anger after hearing the story. Everyone turned to him, with scandalous looks on them. "You can't help it, can you?" This time, the rage was focused on Athena, to whom he placed in front of. "If things aren't your way, then it's not other way, huh?? Answer me!!" He shouted at her, when she didn't dignify him with an answer. Athena kept quiet, staring at him. "Fine, have it your way..." He stated, walking outside the Council Room.

"Percy! Where are you going??" Poseidon screamed at him.

"You lot will have to squeeze your brains together, because I won't be helping in this!!" Percy said, not regretting his words. "If someone who thinks the same as me, but gives me a good reason, will be able to join me... I won't fight this war for Athena. She doesn't deserve it."

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