Hi guys. I wrote this my freshman year of high school and now I'm about to be a freshman in college. Time flies but I still wanted to post this story. I wrote this story back when Johannah and Felicité were still alive, so I am going to do some editing on it and fix some things. In this story, Jay is still alive and sadly, as it is in reality, Felicité has passed. I'm beginning my edits at 1:13 am on Tuesday July 16th, 2019. Thank you for bearing with me.

The chapters aren't that great until about 10-15 so just hang in there. 

"Phoebe, hurry up!"

"I'm coming, Mom!" I shout down the stairs. I grab my large suitcase and my duffel bag in a haste. I yank on the suitcase and pull it behind me quickly down the stairs.

"About time, you are going to miss your flight. Actually, that isn't such a bad idea. Go back upstairs," she tells me.

"Mom, I'll make my flight, I'll enjoy my stay, and I will be fine! I'm excited for this!"

"Oh, honey, I know. This is your first time being away from me for more than a week, I just," she pauses and reaches out and puts her hand on my shoulder squeezing lightly. "I'm your mother. It's my job to worry."

"I know, Mommy, I know." I grab her and pull her into my chest.

"It'll be fine," I whisper softly, more to myself than her. She pulls away and nods at me, putting a hand to my cheek.

She opens the front door and I follow her out to the car. I toss my bags in the back seat and hop into the front. Mom starts the car and I buckle in. The entire drive to the airport we sing along to the tunes on the radio and dance in our seats. Once we arrive at the airport, I lug my items through security. I plop into one of the hard plastic chairs as Mom sits next to me. I watch as another plane takes off and I sigh checking my watch.

"Flight 267 to London England, flight 267 to London England," someone says over the intercom.

"That's me," I say softly. Mom looks at me with sad eyes and I shake my head.

"I'll be fine, I'll be okay. I will call you when I land, and I will call you when I get the chances, okay?" She nods and I embrace her. She sniffles and I slowly release her. I make my way to the desk and hand in my ticket. I look back to see my mother standing there holding herself. I give her a soft smile and a strong nod. She smiles as a sob rocks her body. I quickly make my way down the long hall and onto the plane. I find my seat and get comfortable. I take a peak out of the window to see one plane landing, and another taking off.

"17... 17.... 17!" Shouts a young blonde woman.

"Hi, I'm Gemma," she states in a firm british accent.


"A friend of mine has a couple of sisters, ones name is Phoebe," she tells me.

"Neat. So, you live in London?"

"Yep I do! I've been visiting my grandparents in the states."

"New York?" I ask.

"Yeah, you live there?"

"Yeah I do."

"So, Miss Phoebe, what brings you to London?"

"Oh, I'm in a new exchange program."

"Cool. What school?"

"Midridge High School."

"No way, that's where my brother and his friends go."

"Hello everyone this is your captain speaking, thank you for choosing to fly with us today. Please place your seats in the up right position along with your tray tables. Fasten your seat belts, turn off all electronics, and prepare for take off." We all do as told as I clasp my hands together.

"So, what's the name of the family you're staying with?" Gemma asks.

"Oh uhm," I say digging through my pocket to pull out a crumpled piece of paper. "It ends with 'sons'."

"Tomlinson's," Gemma and I say at the same time.

"Daisy, Charlotte, we call her Lottie, and Phoebe," Gemma informs me.

"Wow, that's a lot of kids. And Louis as well?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, him too." She laughs and I join her. The plane jerks and I grasp onto Gemma's leg.

"You all right, love?" She asks grabbing my hand in a comforting manor.

"Yeah, it's just..." I sigh taking a breath. "Since we'll be around each other a lot more, and you're not just a complete stranger I met on a plane, I lost my father in a plane crash," I tell her opening up, already knowing we'll become closer friends in the future.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, I was seven then. Seems like yesterday, but it's been 12 years."

"Yeah it's crazy how time flies." I nod and lean back.

"Get some sleep, I'll wake you when we land," she voices. I nod and lean back getting comfortable.

Hi I hope you enjoyed this short little intro.💕

Btw the pic above is Phoebe

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