Today was another one of those days where I laid on the couch and did homework all day. After I left London, I knew I had to finish out the year but I didn't want to physically go back to school so I talked with the school and they said I could finish out the year on my own and get my diploma in the mail since I wouldn't be able to walk at graduation. I had all my teachers' contact info and we kept in touch through email and phone. They knew what had been going on and respected my decision when I asked them not to let anyone know that I had been in contact. 

I finished my stats, physics, English, and history homework before deciding on taking a break. I put all my books and papers in my bag and zip it up before setting it on the side of the couch. I slowly stand from my seat on the couch and stretch my back by bending backwards with my hands on my lower back and leaning forwards and grabbing my hands behind my back and raising them up. My bones crack and pop causing a wave of relief to wash over my body. My back had been hurting from sitting on the couch for so long. 

I enter the kitchen and begin picking up my little messes before doing the dishes and wiping the counters down. I sweep the floor and mop it and move onto the living room. I vacuum the rug in the middle of the floor and then sweep and mop the floor. I make my way up the stairs and into my moms room to tidy up in there as well. 

I organize the closet and put away my laundry before taking out the trash after sweeping the floor and dumping the dust pan in the trash. I mop the floors and mop myself out of the room and make me way down the stairs, broom, dust pan, mop, and laundry basket in hand. I put the cleaning supplies in the closet and dump my clothes into the washer. Adding soap and softener, I close the lid and press quick wash. The washer begins to fill with water as my stomach rumbles. I rub my belly and groan realizing I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving. I enter the kitchen and open the fridge. Digging through the fridge I decide on pickles. I spot the Nutella on the second shelf and ponder for a moment. If Nutella on potato chips was good, what would Nutella on a pickle taste like?

Delicious, is what it was. I ate three pickles dipped in Nutella before downing a bottle of water and relaxing on the couch. My phone rings from the coffee table and I sit up to pick it up after reading Mrs. Clark's name across the screen. 

"Mrs. Clark, hi."

"Hi, Phoebe! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing pretty good today, how are you?"

"Wonderful, and I'm good, dear. I was wondering if you had a chance to take your chapter 17 test?"

"Oh, yes, I have," I tell her as I bring my shoulder to my ear to hold the phone as I dig through my backpack. Once I find the test I pull it out and lay it down on the coffee table. 

"I've got it here and it's finished, I'll send you pictures of my answers."

"Wonderful. Thank you, Phoebe, have a good day."

"You too, Mrs. Clark." I hang up the phone and begin studying again since final exams would be upon me soon. After two and a half hours of more homework and studying I put my books back into my back and relax back into the couch. 

"KiKi?" I call out realizing I hadn't seen her all day. A little meow catches my attention and I look around the room. Kitty walks into the living room from the kitchen and jumps up on the couch. Walking over to me I reach out my hand and rub her head. She meows and lifts her head so I can scratch under her chin, her absolute favorite spot. Once I pay attention to KiKi for a few minutes I lay back onto the couch and rest my hand on my stomach before drifting off to an uncomfortable sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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