Chapter 26: Time is up?

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Chapter 26: Time is up?

Inquisitor POV

The figure of the boy on his knees was just visible. All the bulbs were shattered and the candles were blown out. I was sure the floor was littered with glass.

This scene gave me the chills. The amulet I had picked up from the floor, still felt warm in my hands. No sound was heard, even no breathing and I found myself holding my breath.

Would he ...?

Maybe it hadn't worked?

Hesitantly I went to the body in the middle of the dark room. I squatted on the motionless body down. A hand shot forward, at the hand in which I was holding the amulet. The grip was iron strong. Now you could hear a hurried heavy breathing.

I swallowed. Face hidden behind his hair that seemed in the absence of light completely pitch black. Slowly he raised his head and opened his eyes. It weren't the blue eyes that a moment ago had been full of fear. No, like his hair it were two black pools which held no emotion.

A devilish, cruel smile appeared on the young face. The new twin scars on his left cheek made sure he looked even more frightened. And at that moment I realized what I had done.

Immediately I regretted it.

I was the one who had released it.

The monster was free ...

Kanan POV

Finally we came to the right cell door. Both Maia and I had our lightsabers to have some light while walking. One of the most advanced piece of technology ever, can be used as a glow stick. I kept finding it a bit odd that Maia's color was red, but I would get used to it.

It was dark in the room as in the hallways. At first glance, the cell seemed empty.

"Kanan!" Maia pointed to a form on the ground. I rushed towards it and was both surprised and relieved to see that it wasn't Ezra. No, it was the Inquisitor. His face was turned toward the ceiling with wide eyes. The fear was still visible in his yellow dull eyes. This didn't please me. Of what had the Inquisitor been so afraid? And where was Ezra?

"What do you think happened?" Maia crouched beside me.

"No idea, but I know he was stabbed with a lightsaber." I moved the already stiffened icy hand of the death Pau'an so that a wound was visible, clearly from a lightsaber.

"Kanan!" Just in time, I could dive away from the approaching blade. I turned around with my lightsaber into defensive position. I almost dropped it when I saw who had attacked us.


He seemed so different: the twin scars on his left cheek, the cruel smile on his face and then the two black pools of his eyes.

We were really too late.

"Ezra? What are you doing? What happened here? Have you slain the Inquisitor?" Maia's voice trembled a little.

"Oh, silly girl, do not worry about it. The Inquisitor was a fool and lucky for us gullible. He has proven its usefulness and we simply don't longer needed him."

"Ezra, why do you always say 'we'?" Well I also wanted to know.

"Do we still let us call like that?" "I do not know otherwise we're going to just fight over the name." "You have a point." "Duh" "Maybe I should just choose the name as you may speak." "All this was my idea so no. "

This was a bit confusing. Was Ezra discussing with himself?

Jonathan POV

If this was the Force then it could complain a lot. You could hear an annoying buzzing sound constantly and the closer I seemed to get near my goal, the more irritating it seemed to be. For a moment I had thought to simply turn back in my passes, but my words from my sister to listen to the Force, were stronger. She probably will regret it later that she back then answered my question.

With one hand on the wall so that I could find my way in the darkness, I walked through the halls. The zooming was getting worse and worse, but I did my best to ignore it. When a reached a door, it suddenly stopped. "I assume this must mean that I have to be here." My hand scanned the wall for a button to open the door. With a hiss sound the door slid open.

Because there were windows, I was able to see something. Looks like this was some sort of office. Manly there was a folded computer on the tablet. I walked to it and opened it. Sniffing through the files, I found not only a lot of interest. With my hacking talents that I had developed over the past months, I slipped past passwords and I got more interesting things. Troops Relocation, new projects, wanted by lists and much more. "I would show this to the Ghost crew or Fulcrum." Just when I was about to close the unit, something else got my attention. Bridger document. I opened it and read it completely. It pointed me from one document to another. Until I came to a document again with a separate password. It seemed to be more secure, but with some effort I bypassed it eventually. My eyes widened at what I saw.

Maia POV

"Ezra stop this!" Again I dodged an attack from him. Kanan had often indentation as I was not so handy with a lightsaber.

Not yet.

Now I regret that I wanted to put a hand on his shoulder and even wanted to shake him through himself. In response he had almost decapitated me if the Force hadn't warned me in time.

My arm was briefly hit by the saber, but it was still burning terribly and I gritted my teeth. Kanan flew past me against the wall. Ezra focused back at me. I could block some of his rapid, brutal attacks, but he managed to hit my left leg volatile so I backed away again and was less wary. He let his lightsaber fly in a wide arc and I did nothing. I stood there, waiting for my final blow.

Sorry Jonathan.

But nothing came. I opened my eyes and a body slumped on the ground ...


I looked up at Ezra and I just saw a flash of that beautiful blue in his eyes, until it was swallowed by the darkness again. A grin appeared on his beautiful face.

"Looks like it's a family thing. First Dai saves me and now you are rescued by the other one. Well, we do have something better to do than to listen to your cries." I looked once again at the dead corps but this time I tried to see who it was.


I dropped to my knees and started screaming. I screamed until my throat was broken.

Ezra grabbed my chin. "Jump off a cliff, than the pain will go away. Easier for everyone. Especially for us." He laughed.

A lightsaber swung towards him and then he disappeared into thin air. Away. His laughter rang in the small space.

Ezra was gone.

Jonathan was dead.

Dai too.

I was alone.

A hand was laid on my shoulder. I looked at Kanan with my teary eyes. I saw blood tricking of his sleep. He probably flew pretty hard against the wall.

"We'll get him back Maia. You'll see. "

I shifted my gaze to my little brothers decapitated body and hold back another cry. Tears were running over my cheeks.

But this time I wasn't so sure If I would live long enough to see that happening.

End book 2


well I done it 

the last chap of this book

third and final will follow somewhere in august

sorry but I am on holiday so no interent connection :(

happy summer vacation!!!!

~starloverrebel out

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