To spar

137 4 11

okey first so sorry for not updating and it will be like this for this week and the next one

school was crazy with al the big test, you know what i mean

but here is it, hope you enjoy it

~starloverrebel out

Kanan POV

Absolutely no idea...

I had absolutely no idea what to think of Ezra's dream.

It obviously had something to do with the Force.

And was a vision.


The way he reacted before he fainted.

"The voices. They're back." He had whispered.

And those few words were the reason why I didn't let him go a few days ago.


Ezra had immediately told his dream. A little too excited if you know the fact what just had happened. Once he had told everything, he jumped right up to walk out of the room.

I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder with my right good arm. "Which idea is in that head of yours?"

" Searching that place." He escaped my grasp.

Zeb held it for me. "I do not think so."

"Zeb let me through!"

"Ezra don't you think that maybe those two voices have something to do with it?"

Ezra hung his shoulders. "You might be right."

He turned to me. "It's just that it feels like I have to take it." There was an excitement in his eyes. "Just as when I found your lightsaber and the hologram."

Man that's a while ago.

Focus Jarrus!

"Ezra you stay on the Ghost."

The excitement disappeared into his eyes.

He wanted to protest, but I cut him off. "No protest!"

Ezra again hung his shoulders. "Okay Kanan."

I hated being strict and severe, but Ezra the stubbornness sometimes himself, could I not lose.

Ezra walked back to his room.

----------end flashback---------------

Suddenly I remembered something I had realized that time with Dai and Maia.

Crazy that you realize some things only when they are taken away from you.

The only question was what?

I sat up in my bed when I heard a knock on my door.


The door slid open and I saw Ezra standing there.

"What's up kid?" I got up from my bed.

Ezra rubbed his hands nervously. "Well, I was wondering if we could do some Jedi training."

"Good for me. Grab your lightsaber." Immediately there sparked that excitement again typical of him in his eyes. I grabbed mine and waited for Ezra outside the Ghost.

Ezra POV

After pacing around into my room, I decided to ask.

Maybe I could distract my mind that way.

I knocked on his door because I knew he was annoyed badly if I did not.

In fact many people felt really annoying when I did that.


I opened the door. Kanan was sitting on his bunk underneath. "What's up kid?" He asked as he got up from his bed.

Nervously I began rubbing my hands. Maybe I better wouldn't ask it, apparently I had bothered him. "Well, I was wondering if we could do some Jedi training."

Most likely, the answer is no. Since the last events they didn't let me do a lot of things.

"Good for me. Grab your lightsaber. "

Uh what? He said yes!

Immediately I felt the excitement racing through my veins and I ran off to get my saber.

Kanan was waiting for me outside the Ghost. "So what are we going to do?" The excitement pervaded my voice.

He started his saber. "Spar."

Hesitantly I pulled my own lightsaber out too. "You think that is a good idea?"

"Do not worry kid, you will be perfectly fine."

It wasn't about me I was worried

Kanan was the first one to strike, I managed to block his blows every time.

Not a second it came up in my mind to attack by myself and that for two reasons.

One: I thought I might hurt Kanan.

And two: he didn't exactly gave me a chance.

More and more I started to concentrate me more on the fight.

An image started to always appear before my eyes. The same picture that already had hunted me the past week.

Only it was the first time I could see it clearly.

It was a necklace with a locket.

I blocked, then I attacked. Kanan was surprised.

On the medallion was a tortuous symbol. A kind of an infinity sign, but broken at one point.

Again I attacked. Just in time Kanan could avoid the blow.

On the flat disk of the medaillon was the symbol depicted for hundred times.

The lightsaber flew out of his hands. I did not stop.

I knew that medallion.

But from where?


I was snapped out of my trance.

To my shock, I saw that the end of my lightsaber was a few centimeters away from Kanans neck.

I immediately backed away. Kanans blue eyes studied me, there was fear in it.

But even more concern.


I did not know what to think.

I nearly wounded Kanan perhaps killed him.

Without further thinking about it, I sprinted away in the opposite direction of the Ghost.


for those who are wondering this is the symbol of separation

just has to lay down

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