So it was the last day of school we all thought we would be together for ever we new each other since kindergarten.My best friends names were Brianna,Leslie,Chamille,and Ariana.
Chamille=C ,Ariana=A,Brianna=B,Leslie=L
When our vacation started we all had a summer party.
B,Karina I have to tell you something.😞
Me,Ok I will be over in a minute.At Brianna's house
B,karina I have to tell you something.
Me,ok what is it?
B,my mom told me that I will be moving to California.
B,i will miss you so much I promise that I will text you everyday.
B,i all ready told the other girls.
B I will be leaving tomorrow
Me what!😮
When I heard that she will be leaving tomorrow my heart sank.i was so sad she was the one I loved the most out of this group and I never wanted to lose herBrianna's POV
I was very upset when I had to tell this to her she was my very first friend when I came here.I thought that me and her will be best friends forever.😭*The next morning*
When I woke up I saw a text.
Brianna😃,Karina can you come over and help me?Me,sure.
I asked my mom if I could go to her house she literally lived right down the street.I quickly ran to her house I saw a big moving truck.I went in side and asked her mom where she was she was in her room.I walked in.B,Karina yay your here.
Me,of course I would you are my best friend.
I decided to text all my other friends and told them to meet me at the mall.Leslie POV
I had checked my phone and saw a text from Karina.Karina😃😉😂,meet me at the mall I got ready and left.
Chamille's POV
I got up and seen a text from karina(you all know what the text is going to say)Ariana's POV
I was about to go to the mall then I saw a message at least I was going to the mall.My POV
I got ready I was were in a pink crop top,with some white shorts,and black and white converse.I had left the house and my neighbor came up to me speaking Spanish.I don't like it because she could speak English just because im half Mexican doesn't mean I know a lot of Spanish.i just said Hola and walked of.My boyfriend Jordan was going to take me.Then we all met up at the food court.Leslie's POV
When I got there I saw Karina so I walked over to her.When everyone was there I did not see Brianna.I asked Karina.Me,where is brianna?
K,oh she left today.she did not tell you?
Me,what I did not know that!
K oh well she did.
Chamille's POV
I was sitting there thinking to myself didn't Brianna tell everyone she was leaving?😕Karina's POV
I don't know why she did not tell her?It was problem cuse of what happened last Saturday.*Flash back to last Saturday*
When we were at the park Brianna had seen leslie.They got into a huge argument because she had caught leslie kissing her boyfriend dominic.She told leslie that she was not going to tell her anything else.
So guys that was my story hope you liked it!😉 See you next time

Missing My Friends
ActionThis story is about a girl and her friend moved and this is my first time so please don't get mad.