together pt4

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Karina's pov
I was crying becuse I really missed brianna we were the funnest out of all of them considering we were the youngest of the group I was thinking of kicking leslie out of the friendship group.

Chamille's pov
Karina and Jordan were talking me and Ariana were talking and leslie was just texting someone it looked like Brianna?.

Leslie's pov
I decided to text brianna because why not? anyway I was telling her how everyone was sad but me.
L,hey brianna everyone is sad but me i am so happy your gone you made the group act ghetto and embarrassing.😠

B,i already knew they would be sad and for u to come and talk to me like that made me very upset😞

L,good you should be no one cares about you but stupid Karina,ariana,and chamille so..your by yourself bye loser.
After I said that she did not respond it said this user blocked you.whatever.

Jordan's pov(omg a new person)
While me and Karina were talking I saw leslie looking mad tbh I did not like Karina hanging out with her she is not a good friend she is fake!

Ariana's pov
"Hey chamille guess what!"I said
"What?"She said "you know that boy in my math class?"
"Yea what about him?" "He asked me out!" "Omg I am so happy for you!"she said this is why I like my friends they always support me of what I do.

Karina's pov

"Jordan!" "What?" "Will you take me to stat bucks"?😃 "Ughh fine lets go" "yay thx your The best bf" "yea ok?"

Brianna's pov
When leslie had sent me that text I blocked her why is she so mean I have to tell Karina and the others! I did a group chat but  did not invited Leslie.
K,hey girl
B,guys I have to tell you something.
All the girls,ok
B,leslie texted me and she was saying something's
C,i knew she was texting you!
K,i want to kick leslie out of the friendship group
A,yea me to.
B,yea I always wanted to kick her out of the group.
B,but anyway she said that you guys were stupid and she said that no one cared about me😭
J,brianna it's ok we care about you.
K,jordan how did you get in the group chat?😂
J,oh brianna invited me lol😂.
B,oh yea😂
C,brianna it's ok screw leslie and her ugly self dont let her make you upset because we are here for you!😉
A,dont let her make you fell like a nobody cause you are somebody our friend
B,thx guys well I have to finish unpacking.
All,ok bye love you.

Sorry that I have not updated lately but here you go i will make more

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