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I jolt awake to the deafening sound of my alarm, immediately sitting straight. The first thought I register is the dream. This is the third time this week. Gotta be something I'm eating.

Then I begin to notice my surroundings.. blankets are falling off the end of the bed. Two of my three pillows are on the floor. I feel my face stained with sweat and my mouth agonizingly dry.

6:30 already? I thought to myself.

I turn over grudgingly to turn off the horrific sound filling my ears, and surely my parents' as well. I'm certain I'll hear about this later at dinner, Dad especially hates being woken up early on his days off.

Dreading the coming day, I make my way to the bathroom attached directly to my room. I'm extremely lucky to have it, because I'm not sure how my mom manages to share a bathroom with my dad.. the amount of hair products he has would put an average teenage girl to shame.

Turning on the sand colored, tile-lined shower, I undress and look over my shoulder at my reflection in the mirror.

Where did that come from?

I see a huge purple and yellow bruise about twice the size of my fist covering my lower hip. For whatever reason, I decide to poke at it; almost instantly I winced as pain shoots around the lower half of my torso. It was most definitely a recent injury, but from what? I didn't do anything all weekend. Mom went out with her girlfriends, Dad went on a business trip, and Kaylin had to finish the extra summer homework she collected from her teachers (laziest overachiever ever).

I decide to ignore it once I notice steam from the hot water forming in soft clouds around the corners of the ceiling.

I checked the water temperature with my hand before fully stepping into the shower. As the water falls over my back and down my body, it soothes away the aches I collected from my restless night. I feel awake and energized. Upon finishing my extra-hot shower, I dry myself with a towel and pick something to wear.

I really need to remind myself to do laundry... Did the forecast say it would be cold today? I thought as I look through my measly array of clean clothing.

I settle for a pair of jeans, my old beat up black Converse, and a black hoodie with the infamous "I <3 NY" symbol on it. Dad bought it for me on one of his trips. Cold or not, I wouldnt be outside much, so a hoodie would suit me just fine.

What time is it? I think as I check my clock- Its already seven! Five minutes until the bus comes.. I really shouldn't take such long showers.

I decide to forgo putting on any makeup and let my hair air dry.. crossing my fingers it comes out straight. After giving myself a once-over in the full-body mirror hanging on my bedroom door, I grab my backpack, run down the stairs and out the front door.

This is the third day in a row I haven't eaten breakfast..

Upon walking out, I can see the bus rounding the corner a block away. I casually walk to the stop, which thankfully is in front of my neighbor's house just across the street. Once I arrive, I have nothing left to occupy my mind. My thoughts drift back to the dream I was experiencing 40 minutes ago.. it seemed so real. So absolutely terrifing.

The first time I had this dream it was a bit more vague. Maybe I just don't remember as much of it. They've always involved me being chased, even though I can't recall doing anything wrong. I'm always running, and I stumble upon the woods.

Why does it always seem like a good idea to go in the dark woods? Really Amelie..


As the bus gets nearer, I pull out my phone and pretend to do something so it looks like I'm not just standing here like a loser.

That's really what everyone sees me as.

Except my best friend Kaylin. We're like two peas in a pod, best friends since kindergarten; at least that's what they tell me.

As the bus comes to a slow, squeaky stop, the door swings open and I step on. Particularly loud and obnoxious for 7:08am. I scan the seats for Kaylin but can't make out her short blonde hair in the crowd of teenagers.

"Come on kid get a move on, I have three more stops to make!" The driver shouts in my direction. I settle on taking an empty seat next to me, I'll see Kaylin in second period anyway.

Looking out the window at the sparse amount of leaves barely gripping the trees, I prepare myself for the next six and a half hours, to be spent in my own personal hell.



A.N.- Let me know what you think maybe? Please and thank you!

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