Chapter 43; Lets not call you that.

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"Ok Justin listen, when we walk in don't say I'm your girlfriend ok? I don't know what we are just don't call me that..... especially around my parents got it?" I ask, we stand at the train station i stopped him so I could explain what to do. "Got it," he replys. "Ok then let's go," we wall down the familiar path of my childhood and many memories starts to flood back in and I smile happily. When we reach the village I basically run to my mom and dad's home. I knock on the door and it opens to Daddy he looks shocked and I spare no time and I envelope him with a big hug. "Willow what are you doing here?" He asks I laugh. "Rye asked me to come and help him prepare for the wedding and this is my friend....Justin" I say dad glares at him and fake smiles, oh god I can tell when dad doesn't like someone and right now he doesn't like Justin. "Hi nice to meet you," Dad says shaking Justin's hand I walk in and see very familiar people Nikki, Jack ,Axel, Finn, Dessy, Willow, Haymitch, Effie, and etc. You know the normal people. I get drawn into massive hugs you might think me and Dessy got into a huge argument and stopped being friends but that's totally the opposite in fact, Dessy has visited me alot in the past two years and Willow absolutely loves me! I had to introduce Justin to everyone then Haymitch asks the question I dread, "why is he here?" I think for a moment then come up with the perfect excuse. "Well, I was helping him in literature and he asked me if he could come, because I'll be here for a long time," they all nod, I haven't seen Andrew which is good, maybe he moved away I wouldn't blame him.

"Hey, Wills can I talk to you for a second?" Justin asks I nod and lead him up to my room it's just like I left it it's plain and the wall just brings back my childhood. "What?" I ask, he pushes me against the wall and brushes his lips against mine I giggle.
"Dude, you have to be careful anyone could walk in," I state a little to obviously. "Well, your family talks alot so I doubt they'd walk in, anyway I think your grandpa is giving me the death glare I think he knows Something is up," I sigh running my fingers through my hair. "I don't know honestly we can just-" he stops me.
"What are we? Friends with benefits? Something more?" He asks I huff. "Listen, I'm not sure what we are, right now I'm trying to focus on my brother's wedding and right now your nothing but a friend and as much as I'm concerned that's what they believe," I say he nods I begin to walk to the door and he catches my hand and places a kiss on my lips. "I had to do that one last time," I chuckle and I walk down stairs everyone is talking and laughing then Lexi runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Oh my god! You have to be my maid of honor after all you are throwing my wedding!" I nod happily. "Oh my god! Yes! I would be glad to just please don't call me a Bitch like you do Dessy," she giggles and shrugs. "Can't make any promises, oh and also I can see the tension between you and Justin," She winks and I grow tense how can she see that? More importantly is there tension I've been laughing and smiling My ass off! I actually think my face will fall off if I continue or I may start crying for no reason!
"What? No!" I say trying to act like a cool person, failing miserably. She laughs, "we'll talk later, by the way tomorrow we're going wedding dress shopping so I will rely upon you heavily to help pick everything," I smile and nod. "You did a solid for me time to repay the favor" she nods and then there's a booming voice from the living room that gets our attention. "Oh my god, no that did not happen ok ok maybe once but Willow told me to!" I hear, Rye shout i laugh and so does Lexi. "Your really marrying......that?" She giggles and nods.
"He's really sweet, he's like my Andrew," she says walking off.

Wait, did she say 'like my Andrew' she is actually referring to Andrew The Andrew I know how? Hes not as sweet as he let on, Willow, she was referring to when you were dating that jerk,

Is that why you've slept and made out with Justin?

Wow, the devil and angel are really working against me today, aren't they supposed to tell me that I'm being irrational while the other says 'do whatever the hell you want it's a free country' Yeah, I usually don't listen to that one, I could die if I did. I walk into the living room and sit between Haymitch and Dada. "What's my favorite old guys up to?!" I ask, enthusiastically they look at each other and raise an eyebrow. "Old?" Dad asks, I giggle. "Let's face it, you have a 21 year old daughter, and an 19 year old son" Haymitch laughs. "Yeah old man remember when you were young and used to say-" Haymitch gets cut off by Dad sending him a glare and I burst out laughing what did dad say? It must have been funny since Haymitch brought that up at this particular moment.

"Oh, my dear Friend I wouldn't bring that up now especially around the child," Dad says I laugh. "I'm not a child I'm an adult who's heard just about everything in the book," I look over at mom who's looking over at dad smiling and then our eyes meet I smile graciously and she does to. My, mother is very beautiful her hair is the blackest it could ever be, but has a hint of gray making it look more amazing i love the way her olive skin sets off her seam eyes I wished I had her eyes, they're a very rare color these days her dad must have had them, she said Grandma had blue eyes i miss her she lives in two now I heard she got remarried to which made mom go crazy but, she got over it. I wonder how, Mom manages to look that amazing i wake up in the morning and my hair looks like it got attacked by wild dogs and when I hung over, my skin and eyes look all baggy and weak but whatever the point I'm getting at my mom is gorgeous.

After, dinner we all settle down and begin to talk and catch up on things. "Well, since I have a year left of college I'll be interviewed by companies to see if I can he their new journalist my teacher says I gold potential I just hope it goes somewhere," I say answering Dad's questions then Justin chimes in. "Are you kidding your the best in our class and I heard your graduating with honors!" He says my eyes widen and I nod. "Yeah, so I've heard to," I say inconspicuously. "Well, Willow I'm glad your excelling in school we all knew your smart," Mom says I smile at her, "Very proud," she adds. My mother, just said she's proud of me! I think my heart just leapt out of my chest! I've strived to get there my whole life and finally I've done it! It....feels.... amazing!

Once everyone left me Rye, Lexi, Justin are left mom and dad went out tonight and were the only ones here there's a silence it's not awkward but it's comfortable until Lexi speaks up. "So..... Spill," Lexi says clinging to my arm I raise an eyebrow to what shes talking about. "Huh?" I ask, perplexed. She leans down and whispers into my ear, "You and the hottie!" She whispers I choke on air, Justin pats my back. "Are you ok?" He asks I nod catching my breath. "What the hell?! Lexi!!" I shout, Justin and Rye exchange a look, you know that look where guys witness girls acting absolutely crazy? That one, I really don't have a name for it. I grab, her wrist, "Excuse us, Boys have a conversation get to know each other We'll be back.....if she doesn't kill me," I add the last part quickly I pull him up to my room and look at her mad she begins to giggle. "I'm sorry it was gold you choked on air! Who does that?!" She shouts I laugh Sarcastically. "embarrassed as hell people!" I reply in a smart attitude she huffs and places her hands on her hips.

"Listen, We, all know that something is up and I'm only addressing because.....well I can't imagine you with anyone else except Andrew is this even serious?" She asks I close my eyes for a moment right when I think I escaped from all the drama of Andrew for a while it's coming back up. "We?" I ask, hurt she nods. "Everyone Willow you just don't bring a boy with you, your not like that, I know you," she says I sigh loudly. "That was the old Willow! How do you know I just brought him to be spontaneous is it bad to bring friend home? To prove a point I'm not hung up on Andrew anymore?!" I shout, my voice cracking at every word shes catching on to and notice how hysterical I've become. "Are.....are you ok?" She asks becoming more sympathetic. "Hell no! Ive only known this boy for a short amount of time and when we kiss-----" I say tears already streaming down, I have to admit to it aloud I trust Lexi I trust Dessy I also have to tell her. "I feel like I'm missing someone......I feel like I'm kissing....Andrew" her eyes widen and she gasps and then she gushes like a girl and I shake my head blushing furiously. "Dude!!!! You still love him!!!!" She practically yells I slap my hand over her mouth and she giggles I feel a enormous weight on my chest my stomach drops and I feel like crying.

Do I still love Andrew???

A/N: LOL look at me! Look at Willow she's a mess right now but she's the right mess, this is going the way I wanted she slowly realizing how stupid she is sorry anywayyyss here's the new ship names!!!!



Yeah, I know I need to work on Willow and Andrews but seriously what else is there?! Don't judge!

Later lovelies!!!


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