Chapter 56; Babies and Excuses

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"Lexi!" I cheer hugging my little sister, she laughs and hugs me back I felt more of a niece than her. "It's been forever tell me; how was the honey moon?" I ask her she giggles and rubs her stomach. "Alot of morning sickness I think my lil' trouble doesn't like me having fun," I laugh as I watch Rye and Andrew unload the suitcases. "I'm so proud of my lil' nephew!" I say in a baby tone, Lexi laughs. "Next time its you; not me," I laugh sarcastically. "Yeah, I highly doubt it, it's going to be Dessy next" I sat, she nods eagerly popping grapes into her mouth, my eyebrows furrow together. "I thought you hated grapes?" I ask, she nods and says, "I do, the baby doesn't," I gape at her and nod. "Ah, of course,"
We sit down on the couch in Rye's and Lexi's home. "Alright, Mr. Mellark your father needs you right away," Andrew says, I laugh a little at the way he says Mr. Mellark. "But Lexi-" he says interject. "I'll take care of her; in fact I've been pregnant before so I'm fine with her, Lexi you ok with that?" I ask her, she nods eagerly i think she just wants Rye off her back. "Ugh, fine I'll be back soon take really good care of her," Rye days wagging his finger at me I wag my finger at him. "Don't wag your finger at me! By Crystal!" I say, he rolls his eyes and Andrew and him walk out. "Why did you call him crystal?" She asks, I shrug. "Didn't have time to come up with another girl name," we laugh then she lets out a small gasp. "What? Are you ok?!" I ask worried she nods smiling. "The baby moved," I gasp.
"Awww, how cute that's my little niece!" I gush,
"Wanna feel?" She asks I nod eagerly, and place my hand gently one the bump, I feel the little tiny movement of my niece or nephew I laugh and smile then I feel sad. I never felt Landry move it's like she never existed, I wonder what a normal pregnancy would feel like? Just to be happy, know that your actually responsible for something so fragile and unbelievably beautiful. I never knew she was there, things would be so much different if she had survived if I wasn't stupid; I'm a horrible mother. "Willow your crying; what's wrong?" She asks I quickly wipe my tears away and shake my head clearing these stupid thoughts from my head. I laugh, nervously. "Nothing! Oh god, nothing do you need anything I can get you whatever you want maybe an apple or some grapes! Yes, grapes! I'll be right, back! How about something to-" Lexi stops me from my nervous rant, she looks at me concerned. "Your not ok," she says holding my hand, I don't want to let anyone know I'm still torn up about Landry, let alone Andrew I need to distract her. "Yes I am," I say calmly, I get up and walk over to the kitchen I get a vine of grapes and a bottle of water and bring them to her. "Willow if you need to talk-- don't hesitate to talk to me; we're sisters now you can tell me anything," she says, softly I smile and nod. "I'll keep that in mind," I say reassuringly, but I know I probably won't this is not something I want to talk about at the moment or never, as long as I don't have to talk about feelings or Landry than I'll be fine.

"Did you have fun helping Lexi?" Andrew asks from the kitchen I walk in and nod. "Super fun," I say, trying not to sound sarcastic but you know it's kinda hard to say that without sarcasm I mean if you think about it, it only works with sarcasm. "Did I hear sarcasm?" He asks turning to me, dammit, he's looking directly at my face and he'll know if I'm lying. "No," I say simply, then I look down hoping it's not to much of a dead give away, he pulls my chin up by his Fingers. "Why didn't you have fun?" He asks softly I shrug. "You know morning sickness moodiness, that girl knows how to use the b word," I giggle, wow I just realized how fake that giggle really sounded. "You know what Rye told me," he says, well my cover is blown now I have to tell a whole new lie. "What?" I ask, like I have the foggiest idea what it is. "She's not moody actually she's being really sweet and hasn't said the b word for a really long time," I make a o with my mouth and tilt my head. "Oh really? I didn't -" he stops me.
"Yes you did, tell me" I groan and stomp my feet like a kid, then I try to think of an perfect excuse that sounds believable. I got it!
"No," I say simply slipping out of hus grasp and stomping up stairs. Oh? Not me? Well, sometimes it's good to be someone they don't expect.

"Willow, come on don't be mad!" Andrew yells at the door I smirk and say, "I'm not mad," I say, I swore I heard him sigh in relief it makes it funnier to say this, ",I'm pissed" he groans, I think he might have rolled his eyes ugh! Sass much? "Why are you pissed?" He asks, I shrug even though he can't see. "I don't know go ask the magical fairy that knows all my feelings!" I shout, I even think I heard him smirk? Wow, I'm so weird. "So your mother?" I can't help it I laughed, he was partly right it was my mother that knew everything I felt before I felt it, shes like physic!
"No and yes," I answer, he groans.
"Baaaaabbbeeee," he groans exaggerating the word badly I laugh at his whining. "Want some cheese with that whine?" I ask, he groans again. "Your so damn difficult!" He says I laugh. "What'd you expect your not dating a saint!" I yell back, he laughs. "Is this an argument? Because if it is, this is the weirdest one we've ever had," he says I laugh.
"I'd like to say more of 'a expression of rudeness Willow style'" I say, flipping through my work binder. "So this is an argument" he says I roll my eyes and yawn. "I guess so, but hey, if you want to win your gonna have to sleep on the couch," I say, almost laughing he knows I'm joking I threatened this last night when he wouldn't get me something to eat, and hey it worked. "If you wanna win you gotta open the door sweetheart," I smile to myself and walk over to the door, he also has a bad habit of leaning on the door so when I open it he'll fall in flat on his butt, I open the door and jump back when he comes falling down. "Timber!" I yelled, he laughed and i held my hand out but I should've known not to do that I always pushed him down and he always pulled me down; that's exactly what he does I lay on top of him and stare at his amused face. "Who won again?" He asked with the sound of dominance lacing his voice? Ha! Yeah right, I slay this bitch. "Me," I reply he raises and eyebrow.



I giggle and say, "your my bitch,"

A/N: Lol weirdest argument ever right?! If you block out the cussing it really is, weird also I'd like Yall's input on the cussing do they cuss to much or to little? I know some of you prefer not to cuss but hey, the characters are cussing NOT me. Anyways, thought I needed to bring that up. Til' next time....

Later lovelies!!!💁


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