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So I've been tagged in a game by Pr3tty_Little_Pysch0!

The game is:

I write 13 facts about myself to let you all learn more about me and then I tag as many people as I can think of (There is a minimum of 15 but I want ALLLLLL of you to give it a shot. And if you don't want to publish it, Leave a comment! I would love to learn more about all of you :))

So here we go!

First I'd like to tag:














now on to my facts:

1. Netflix is literally my life (and wattpad)

2. I basically live on a farm with no livestock

3. I have 4 cats, 2 dogs and a lizard

4. I have plenty of secrets

5. I never imagined my books would get this popular (no idea AT ALL)

6. I'm a really friendly person, That sounds like I'm full of myself, but I'm just self aware.

7. I have a little (okay maybe HUGE) obsession with collecting pins and buttons.

8. The front of my school bag is covered in pins and buttons with tv show references and I absolutely love it.

9. I am turning 16 on july 14th!

10. I will be able to drive by myself on August 10th! Can't wait

11. I made plenty new friends this year that I'm very grateful for! Including all of my readers <3

12. My books have been written from personal experience. I've been in going between eating disorders (Anorexia and Bulimia) since the age of 10 but roots of it were from before that. I'm still battling it but I am doing much better I would think! I also have experiences with anxiety for the majority of my life before the eating disorders and Depression started a little before the eating disorders. I've also been dealing with a mild bipolar disorder for a few years as well.

13. I've been struggling with self harm since I was 11 but as of now I'm 87 days clean and counting!

There you all go!!! You get to learn a little about me and now I want to learn more about you guys!

Plus information on a new book! I haven't started writing it yet... I KNOW I KNOW HOW TERRIBLE OF ME BUT!!!!! I'm going to start, the next one coming out... DRUM ROOLLLLL PLEASE


...........kinda anticlimactic............

The first chapter should be up soon then I'll continue with the normal uploading schedule as the others!

I'm also going to step up my game on my Letter Lovers story I've had a pretty good idea to make the story a little different from the rest of mine, and from any others I have read.

Well that's it for now!

Love you guys!

Zombii_gal over and out 

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